Scrappy & Mrhub's MVMCP trip 2012

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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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I had one with chocolate Doc. It was awesome! I can still taste that last bite.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Wow, that MK view is spectacular! muchlove

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
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muchlove It's all so beautiful! my eyes are tearing up just looking at your pictures!

Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
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Amazing view! So much better than the view from my desk!


** BeLiNdA **

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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OK Mr. Hub, I will try that shingle with the chocolate next year. I literally stood in line, and had it in my hand, but when I found out it was not "just gingerbread" I put it down. They had some gingerbread men cookies, but they did not look as fresh and yummy as the shingles. I also balked a bit at 7.99 for a shingle (it might have even been more), but I need to forget that at Disney. mickey

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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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disneydoc wrote:
OK Mr. Hub, I will try that shingle with the chocolate next year. I literally stood in line, and had it in my hand, but when I found out it was not "just gingerbread" I put it down. They had some gingerbread men cookies, but they did not look as fresh and yummy as the shingles. I also balked a bit at 7.99 for a shingle (it might have even been more), but I need to forget that at Disney. mickey

Yeah if it's a Disney exclusive, you sort of throw price to the wind when your there. If it's something I can get anywhere, forgetaboutit! I truthfully didn't even know what I paid for it because we got some, ....other things too!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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We did went thru Adventure Land and hopped on POTC, then over to Big Thunder Mt and around to the Haunted Mansion. We Finally made our way into the New Fantasy Land and it was pretty cool!

We decided to check out the Little Mermaid ride.

And finally it was time for dinner at Be Our Guest!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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Loving all the daytime pictures of New Fantasyland! It was dark the only time we were there so it's cool to see it in the daylight! What did you think of BOG?

MrHub's picture
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The food was very good, much better then we thought it would be. Yes, I had a beer in the Magic Kingdom. Its very hard to get a picture in the restaurant though and I felt a little funny when we were done, they said to go investigate the other rooms, but trying to get pictures of some stuff would have meant getting right into someones face that was eating, so we just took a quick look around and then went to meet our Host the "Beast"

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Joined: 09/12/2010
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Fooooood!!!! Looks yummy!! And that's a great pic of you and scrappy with Beast.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Did you try the gray stuff? Was it delicious?

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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Those mussels look amazing!


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9503

Kris1971 wrote:
Those mussels look amazing!

They were!

MrHub's picture
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It was dark when we came out and everything was beautiful!

Oh yeah I did try one of these and got the souvenir mug.

It was really sweet, one of those "did it once, don't need it again" things.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Well to end the night, we headed back to our room so we could catch the fireworks from our balcony at the Contemporary.

I did love being that close to the MK and it is a true Theme Park View. Where else can you do this from your room?

We finally called it a night and were anticipating switching to the Poly in the morning.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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mrhub wrote:
It was really sweet, one of those "did it once, don't need it again" things.

That's exactly how we felt about the Lefou's Brew, too. Great pictures!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Sunday we where up bright and early. I set up my cameras on the balcony and played while we waited for room service we had order breakfast. I took a bunch of pictures here just playing around

Okay that's enough, you'll get tired of them all.

Joined: 11/15/2012
Posts: 912

Wow what fantastically clear photos, thank you for posting them, it's a dull day in the UK and it is 10 months until our trip so I can feel like I'm there wink


didyoucall911's picture
Joined: 05/07/2012
Posts: 246

Nice pics,.. not sure if I'd rather be on your balcony, or the hot air balloons. I'm sure the view from either vantage point would be great.


MrHub's picture
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Well this was check out day for the Contemporary & check in day at the Poly! Breakfast came and we ate up, packed up and called bells services to come get the luggage.

I grabbed some last minute pics from the hall way balcony.

Then we were off to the Poly. Our happy place!

MrHub's picture
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We pulled up to valet & were met by Brian who took our car and emptied the 47 bag's of luggage we had! (just exaggerating a little) and another CM who escorted us in to the check-in desk. When we got to the desk the young lady looked up just as we were turning to her and we all said " I know you" at the same time!

The CM behind the desk was named Nicole and she is from the same town we are! She just started working at the Poly 2 weeks before, but we first met her in 2009 when she was working at SSR and she checked us in there.

She is a really sweet girl and has just the right personality to be a CM at the Poly. Well she got us checked in and said she would be right back and stepped away from the desk for a minute. When she came back, the manager was with her and was holding a container with real lei's in it, hand made by Auntie Kaui. It seems they have it permanently on record that it is either our anniversary or one of our birthday's every time we come down, and this time was no exception. So we went through the ceremony of putting on the lei's and thanked them very much , didn't want to disappoint them.

MrHub's picture
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We headed to our room which was ready , at 9am, stopping by bell services to ask for our lugged to be taken to the room. We strolled through the Great Ceremonial House looking at the Christmas decorations.

Our request was honored for the 3rd floor in Tuvalu Longhouse which we love for the view. We ended up getting and end room closest to Luau Cove.

Top floor, far right, see my web cam on the railing? Ha ha!

MrHub's picture
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Our luggage got to the room rather quick, we got unpacked and headed to the Magic Kingdom. We met the launch just as it was dropping off some people , but we were the only ones getting on the boat. Once over to the Magic Kingdom, it was about time to get something to munch on , so we figured what better time then to try one of these..............

Heaven on a waffle!

Well we had never had one before, but it is now on our "things to do every trip" list. Oh my god it was good!

Next I have to try the Turkey sandwich. But that's another trip.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

I'm craving one of those waffle sandwhiches hard now! After we tried one in October I vowed to try and make them at home but it has not happened as of yet. Bet this is getting you excited for your next trip...only 22 days!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Yes Allie it is, and it's only been a little over a month since we've been there. I too said I was going to try and make them at home, have to get on that.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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After the Nutella sandwich we just started walked our way around the MK doing all the rides until our ADR at Cali Grill. We did go back into Fantasy Land to check it out during the day light hours.

MrHub's picture
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Dinner was at the California Grill and it was amazing as always.

Our server Gary who we have had before was great, again. He is the one that told us to get the oak fired filet if we really like it because they are totally changing the menu and it's a high possibility it will be different when they re open after the refurbishment. sad He is the one that also told us that Yoshi is retiring and will not be back after the refurb. sad sad

We had a long day and headed back to the Poly after dinner and walked around and checked out Botiki and then headed to our room to catch the fireworks from our balcony.

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MrHub's picture
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Monday started with just Coffee from Captain Cook's and then we headed to AKL to check out the Christmas Decorations there & to meet up with Jess, Mase and their family. When we got to AKL, we headed for Mara to grab something to eat. Afterwards we headed up to the Lobby to check out the decorations and ended up getting some really nice X-mas photo's taken infront of the Christmas Tree.

We met up with Jess & Mase's family in the lobby of AKL, but unfortunately Brook's rash got really bad and they had to get a doctor to come in and see her. So we decided to meet up later.

The Colonel's picture
Joined: 11/08/2012
Posts: 2943

hey what's that balloon back there? Can't be CiF.

great pics BTW


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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I don't know Colonel, there were dozens of them that morning taking off from all around WDW. There are actually 4 in that picture.