Sick in WDW

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Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357
Sick in WDW

So I got really sick on Sunday. I'm hoping that since it came down on me so hard (3 pm I'm fine, 6 pm I'm miserable) that it will be short lived, but I've never been one to recover quickly. Anyone have any good tips for being sick at WDW?

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Depends on what kind of "sick" you are. I got a really bad cold last Sept when we were there and it just plain sucked for a few days, it ws really humid then too, so that made it all the worse. Scrappy woke up not feeling good on Sunday to at the hotel in VA. on the way home. Wonder if you too got the same thing. There were several people talking about family members being sick while we were down there.

Hope you feel better. It was great meeting up with you and the Mrs. Hope to do it again sometime and have a longer meet up.

Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

It's just "flu-like symptoms" I guess. I never get over stuff quickly though, so I'm a little bit sad that I won't recover until after we leave. Did manage to go to Hoop-De-Doo last night though.

Annie's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
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Being sick in WDW is the WORST, but it seems to happen a lot. I think people get so excited and plan and plan, then they work themselves to death to get ready for the trip. Once they're there, their bodies rebel because they're not getting enough sleep or nutritious food. That's just my guess.

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

Being sick at WDW is awful!!

Dave was sick once (same thing..flu like) and he was miserable..unfortunately it was a short trip & it was our first trip on the dining plan. We rested a lot and did the parks was hard for me to see him at WDW and not feel 100%.

I hope you feel better so & that Mrs. Brad is taking good care of you!


mickey Bella

Joined: 08/20/2010
Posts: 24

I got sick the day before our short, 4 day trip last year. So I was sick the entire time. I alternated Tylenol Cold Daytime and Theraflu at night for bed.
I made it, powered through. We didn't stay out too late but managed to get a fun night in at Jelly Rolls towards at the end. It's a state of mind... think good thoughts!!


cdub's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
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allyscud wrote:
I got sick the day before our short, 4 day trip last year. So I was sick the entire time. I alternated Tylenol Cold Daytime and Theraflu at night for bed.
I made it, powered through. We didn't stay out too late but managed to get a fun night in at Jelly Rolls towards at the end. It's a state of mind... think good thoughts!!

This is probably the best bet. Although if your trip is long you can run out of gas.

PsychoAlice's picture
Joined: 06/19/2010
Posts: 271

I was sick at WDW August..I had to stay in bed 3 days out of a 10 day trip..the hospital in Celebration is beautiful! Specially when coming in an ambulance!


admin's picture
Joined: 08/14/2010
Posts: 2733

I've had to go get antibiotics at Centra Care before -- not fun to take time out of an expensive vacation to go to the Doc!! Sad Sorry you weren't feeling well, Brad.

Joined: 08/20/2010
Posts: 24

PsychoAlice wrote:
I was sick at WDW August..I had to stay in bed 3 days out of a 10 day trip..the hospital in Celebration is beautiful! Specially when coming in an ambulance!

Oh my goodness! You poor thing... glad to know that the Celebration hospital is up to snuff!!


Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

admin wrote:
I've had to go get antibiotics at Centra Care before -- not fun to take time out of an expensive vacation to go to the Doc!! Sad Sorry you weren't feeling well, Brad.

Did you have a good experience with Centra Care? I had a friend who had to go their on her trip and they waited for four hours in the waiting room and another hour once they were called back.
I know it's a first come first serve kind of thing..but 5 hours seems kind of rough.


mickey Bella

Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

Thanks for the well-wishes! I've been back for over a week now and I'm still trying to get over this. I feel a little better today than I have, we'll see if it lasts.