Hello, I am in my mid-forties from western Canada. My typical vacation spots tend to be places with lots of history and culture attached to them. Walking along the canals of Venice, touring castles on the Rhine, browsing the artifacts at the British Museum, to give a couple of examples. My other type of traveling involves hiking and seeing examples of spectacular natural beauty. Think the Swiss alps or the Patagonia region of Chile-Argentina (haven't actually done Patagonia yet, but it is on my mind these days for next year)
I mention the above to attempt to establish my level of enthusiasm for the week+ I will be spending in Disney World come December. However, since I am going anyway (it is a family vacation and inescapable), I will over the next few months being trying to figure how to squeeze whatever enjoyment there is to be had from the experience.
In short I need to figure out how to get from here: to here:
Well, let us be realistic, at least here: