Spring Pics, Please!

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Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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Spring Pics, Please!

So, lots of times, y'all wish you were here in FL...but during parts of the year, I wish I could see what YOU are seeing! Spring is one of those times. Please, share your pretty pics of spring...grass popping up, trees in bloom, crocuses and daffodils and tulips emerging. OH - and DOUBLE points for big bushes of forsythia!


Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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The forsythia in PA is just starting to get buds on it. I'll try to take a picture for you once my neighbors shrub is in full bloom!


Bella's picture
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Happy to oblige! The Pear Trees in our neighbors backyard (their yard backs up to our fence) started blooming early this week. While the white flowers actually smell like rotten fish they sure are pretty to look at!

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mickey Bella

Joined: 09/12/2010
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It was 80 in Charlotte today - woo! Here's what we got:

We have spinach coming up and some gladiola thingies that we planted. The big tree is getting it's color back, and one of those purple flower thingies started poking through.

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Joined: 12/28/2011
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I woke up to snow. I am so ready for WDW.


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J. R. R. Tolkien

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It was so hot here yesterday in southwestern Ontario I had to go inside to cool off yesterday. I think it may be one of those years where we skip the spring weather and jump right into summer.

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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These pics are great! It looks like the Carolinas are really taking off. I'm sorry for the snow and extreme temps, but I can't wait to see that forsythia pic!


Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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This one's for you Lizzy!

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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We've got lots of gray and rain today... not very pretty or exciting, but typical spring!

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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Light misty rain here today, but its supposed to get up to 79 today. Crazy for March in PA!


Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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Kris! I actually gasped when I saw that! It is sooooo beautiful. I really miss forsythia and spring. Not that I'm complaining. Smile Thanks so much for snapping that and sharing it!


Joined: 10/29/2009
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Lizzy you are cracking me up being so excited over that forsythia bush. They are so very common up here and seem to grow wild. I however get so very excited when I see palm trees which I am sure is a every day thing for you.

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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Lizzy_B wrote:
Kris! I actually gasped when I saw that! It is sooooo beautiful. I really miss forsythia and spring. Not that I'm complaining. Smile Thanks so much for snapping that and sharing it!

I'll try to snap some more pictures for you as the row of them up the street fills in more.


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Kristen K.'s picture
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I've got a couple of daffodils that have bloomed, they came up even before the hyacinth which a odd. Tulips just started pushing up yesterday. I'm not quiet ready for spring clean up in the yard yet, but now is the time!

MrHub's picture
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Lizzy_B's picture
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scrappy wrote:
Lizzy you are cracking me up being so excited over that forsythia bush. They are so very common up here and seem to grow wild. I however get so very excited when I see palm trees which I am sure is a every day thing for you.

I still ADORE looking around and seeing palm trees - even the three kinds in my yard! Hmmm...maybe I need to snap some pics Smile But yes, it's kinda the same feeling. We painted pics of forsythia in kindergarten, and I've absolutely loved it ever since.

Kris1971 wrote:
Lizzy_B wrote:
Kris! I actually gasped when I saw that! It is sooooo beautiful. I really miss forsythia and spring. Not that I'm complaining. Smile Thanks so much for snapping that and sharing it!

I'll try to snap some more pictures for you as the row of them up the street fills in more.

Ooooooh! Yes! Thanks ever so much!

And thank you all for participating! I actually have some pretty things popping out in my yard, too. We're heading to the beach later for the weekend, but I'll either snap some pics today or early next week for you.


Bella's picture
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I like Spring. I always forget how much I like Spring when it comes around. I think I brush it off and think it's just that thing between Christmas and Summer Break that makes me and my little kiddos stir crazy. Then it comes and I'm like..oh amazing..Spring you're awesome.

Then I've got all this flipping yard work to do and I remember why I hate Spring.


mickey Bella

Jessi5989's picture
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I got these Friday while hiking on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We're having summer weather here and I love it! (except for yesterday when it was storming and hailing all day!)

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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Here ya go Lizzy, some spring time from PA!.

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MrHub's picture
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And this one almost looks like snow!

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MrHub's picture
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And this is "Mister" who is ready for spring!

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Jess's picture
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mrhub wrote:
And this is "Mister" who is ready for spring!

Wow He is huge.... He is all rolls and no neck... So cute. I showed Mase... He wants to know how much he weighs.. Colby is a solid 26 and people say he's huge... But he looks alot smaller then your dog


MrHub's picture
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Moved post

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

Ah, thanks guys for sharing your spring pics! I got so busy that I didn't snap any when our colors were the most vibrant, but we've gotten a little rain (finally and thank goodness) so I'm hoping to get some more blooms soon. I just love all the pretty pics you sent!

I'll try and remember to start a "seasons where you are" post every quarter or so. I just love seeing what your hometowns look like!


Joined: 12/29/2011
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04/22/12, Spring in NH. I took this picture of the crab apple tree at the end of my driveway. It was raining and 48 degrees.

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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It may have been cold and rainy but the tree sure is beautiful!