Have you guys seen this yet? A talking Mickey Mouse!
Here's a couple different videos from Attractions Magazine and Disney Parks
Have you guys seen this yet? A talking Mickey Mouse!
Here's a couple different videos from Attractions Magazine and Disney Parks
wow. that is pretty cool. hopefully they'll come with a talking tigger too!
Cool video indeed. Very entertaining, surely this would attract a lot of viewers!
Amazing! I love it!
Told my sister about this because she's in WDW right now and the next day there was a video posted on Facebook of her and my brother meeting Mickey.
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1987(sort of)-Fariway Villas (I was not born yet, but could hear all the sounds of WDW)
1991-Fairway Villas (My first official trip to WDW)
2000-Fort Wilderness Campsites (last family trip before siblings got married and had kids)
2004-Caribbean Beach
2008-Pop Century
2012-Contemporary Resort (Honeymoon)
2015- Caribbean Beach (daughter's first trip)
2017- Cabins at Fort Wilderness
Talking Mickey...yowza!
Is anyone else kind of creeped out by this? No? Just me? I mean it's very cool, but kind of terrifying...
January 2020 Trip Report - Riviera Resort
June 2019 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach & Saratoga Springs
October 2018 Trip Report - Contemporary Resort
July 2018 - All Star Movies
April 2018 Trip Report - Art of Animation
Jan 2018 Trip Report - Port Orleans Riverside and Animal Kingdom Lodge
Nov 2017 Trip Report - Boardwalk Villas
Feb 2017 Trip Report - Port Orleans French Quarter
Apr 2016 Trip Report - Pop Century
Dec 2015 Trip Report - All Star Sports & Saratoga Springs
Sept 2014 Trip Report - Coronado Springs
Oct 2012 Trip Report - Caribbean Beach Resort
Is anyone else kind of creeped out by this? No? Just me? I mean it's very cool, but kind of terrifying...
Some of my cast member friends are kinda creeped out. It's not like a princess where you can have a conversation. I think it's still testing to see what kind of reaction most guests will have.
OMG I would LOVE this... because i'm the one that's creeped out that they don't talk! lol
I think I saw a video of a talking Mickey doing rope drop and I was kind of confused by it... Now I see what's going on..haha
"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow just a dream away"
http://www.facebook.com/KarliInWonderland - My Disney Facebook page with live updates while i'm in the parks!
I want to know how advanced it is... I wanna ask Mickey some crazy questions and see what we can get... lol
Kinda like having fun with Siri.
- 2013 Trip Report!
- My Int3ractiv3 Trip R3port '12 - CLICK HERE!
[url='http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/pick-mases-dinner-disney']- My Interactive Trip Report '11[/url]
I want to know how advanced it is... I wanna ask Mickey some crazy questions and see what we can get... lolKinda like having fun with Siri.
Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.
I love talking Mickey!
Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.
Is anyone else kind of creeped out by this? No? Just me? I mean it's very cool, but kind of terrifying...
When they first started using the Mickey Mouse that blinked it really disturbed me and took me quite some time to get used to. This I'm doing better with. I think that having the show technology happen first that it eased the way into this for me. I'm excited to meet talking Mickey.
We met him and it was truly cool! He did a card trick with us and yes, he answered questions and interacted. It was really fun hearing him and I honestly felt like I was standing with Mickey Mouse!
OMG My 15 year old middle boy would so love to work for Disney and do this some day! He has the Mickey Mouse voice down pat (and drives some crazy doing it) and he actually went as Mickey to a Halloween Party this year! To bad he's 6'3". He'd never fit the Disney costume. lol
We're going in August. I'm sure once I tell him, seeing talking Mickey will be a top priority!
OMG My 15 year old middle boy would so love to work for Disney and do this some day! He has the Mickey Mouse voice down pat (and drives some crazy doing it)and he actually went as Mickey to a Halloween Party this year! To bad he's 6'3". He'd never fit the Disney costume. lol
We're going in August. I'm sure once I tell him, seeing talking Mickey will be a top priority!
The voice is pre-recorded.