Trip Report - Mason Family Trip - November '14

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Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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I've attempted 3 times to do a typing update and every time I've typed my daughters name my iPhone went nuts. Lol. So gonna do a tiny update now and the rest tomorrow because it's now late.

First off. My father is home and doing well! Thank you all for the wishes and support. Has ment a lot!

Ok. Start with yesterday and I'll talk about today.. Tomorrow... Lol

Yesterday it rained. Blah. But we went to the magic kingdom and got there around 11am. Late start. Decided to go to the Harbor House and have lunch since we had a FP for the haunted mansion after that. I'll tell you what... That ride is getting super popular. I remember riding it as a kid and would ride it multiple times with no waits. The wait time for it was 35 minutes and the line was all the way out. We even had a line in the FP line. So after that we finished our boss fight from last year with the sorcers game and then got our 4 packs. Then... It started raining. But it allowed us to help out another family who played the sorcerer game as well. We had two cards they needed and they had one card we needed. So it worked out well.

It then started to let up a bit. My daughter wanted to go play the game more since she didn't want to ride splash mountain and big thunder. So I took her and Jess took Evan to go ride those while we went and played a bit of the game. Then it started raining again. So we waited a bit and then decided to head back to our room. Jess and Evan ride their rides in the rain. Me. I still have bronchitis from last week. So I didn't want to make it worse. And I told my daughter if we make it back by 3pm we could see the King of Pins. So she was down.

We get back to Jambo and see the King of Pins and my daughter got two pins she had wanted. She made out like a bandit. She was so happy. So we go pin trading around then back to the room. We decided to order pizza that night for supper and ordered from a place called Flippers. It was pretty good. So then we played some cards like Munchkin and called it a day. So not too much because of the rain but it was also nice since we were still pretty tired.

So tomorrow I'll update more but for those who aren't on Facebook with me... Here is a pic today and see if you can figure out what happened. Lol

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Mase's picture
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Do I get this?

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If you should buy!!! That is my motto while in Disney!

Mase's picture
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Odds n Ends


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Allie's picture
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MrHub's picture
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What Scrappy said because it may not be there next time. Learned that lesson a long time ago.

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I agree with Scrappy and Mr Hub, if you want it buy it and it is Ironman and rather cool. Slightly sad to see Space Mountain was down, we got stuck on it in October and it was down quite a lot the time we were there. I love the people mover for being able to see it, Disney didn't think that through! Continue to enjoy your trip


Mase's picture
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Tink and Frozen


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So glad to see she got to meet them!!!

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
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awesome!!! awesome


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Mase's picture
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So.... Was in DTD tonight and decided to get what is below...

Greg McCullough is probably one of my favorite Disney artists. He is famous for a lot of his Disney/Star Wars art. Just love his work. I remember a couple months back and I always try to see what events are going on and saw that but of course... Two months later I forget. Luckily my son wanted to go in. I wasn't because I had my heart set on that Iron Man lithograph.

So we walked in and I saw him. My jaw dropped. I looked at Jess and told her I knew what I had to buy. Something like this doesn't happen all the time. I got a pic of my favorite ride and ghosts in Disney characters WITH his autograph! Got to talk to him a bit. He said he was so thankful to be able to draw what he loves for a living. He was just so humble. So now I have that and a frame being shipped home. So can't wait to get it all together!!!!

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Joined: 09/12/2010
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Wow, that is AWESOME Mase!! I love it. And want one. Smile Cool experience.

Mase's picture
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Ok. Can't sleep. So I shall type. Let's see... I should be on Wednesday now even though today is Friday. Lol

So again... Weather has played a lot on this trip and Wednesday was probably the one day we were hit the worst. We got a late start because of how cold it was. We just were not prepared for the cold at all. The warmest clothing we brought were hoodies because that's what we had on in Ohio. Lol. We get to our bus stop and this lady comes up to us and asks if we could use these. I look at the Fast Passes and look at her and asked if she was sure. She said yes and that they couldn't use them. Ended up they had given us two Fast Passes for the Mine Train and each one was good for up to three people and were from a rider swap. We had FPs for it at like 7pm that night but these were good till November 30th! So we were pretty happy about them. Especially now since we didn't have to stay till 7pm if we didn't have to.

Jess wanted to ride the monorail to the resorts so we decided to start at the contemporary. Saw the Frozen exhibit and that's where I saw that iron man lithograph. We then shuttled to the Poly to check out some of the renovations and grabbed lunch at the Captains Cook.

So we get back to the Magic Kingdom and rode the Mine Train and then did Tomorrowland. We all enjoyed the Mine Train but agreed that it was just way to short. That ride needed to be almost twice as long. So yeah... We didn't do too much that day. Was super cold (and that says a lot from me because I don't wear a jacket till there is snow on the ground) and the wind was blowing. Just didn't make for a magical experience. For dinner we ate at Boma. Made a video of it. Super nom. And that was pretty much it. Not much to say. Lol


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Mase's picture
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Here are some pics

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crazycatperson's picture
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Mmmm, Boma. We love Boma but did it for breakfast our last trip instead of dinner. Big mistake, the breakfast offerings aren't anywhere near as interesting as the dinner spread.

Love the videos, especially your little one meeting princesses and fairies, how sweet.

So dish, what is that photo of exit doors? I don't have a clue.

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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crazycatperson wrote:
So dish, what is that photo of exit doors? I don't have a clue.


We got stuck in figment. And usually when you get stuck it's during the ride. We were litterally one second from getting off and we get stuck and had to wait about ten minutes. Lol. Just thought it was funny where we got stuck.


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h0ney227's picture
Joined: 07/30/2013
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That is a very good Elsa.


Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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Sorry for the lack of posts and finishing this trip report. The last couple of days we had were super busy and when I got home I got sick again and I'm still trying to recover. I'm hoping j. The next couple days to finish this. But just reporting I haven't forgot. Lol


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Magic Days's picture
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Get well soon. Glad your home safe and I'm sure we are all looking forward to you feeling well enough to share more of your family trip.


Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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Hope you feel better soon! Can't wait to hear the rest of your TR mickey
Hope your Dad is doing well also

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
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Get well! Sad

oHIo's picture
Joined: 10/04/2014
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Looking forward to health reports for you and your dad and more trip reports on your vacation.