Under Construction...

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Under Construction...

Hello Happy Disney People...Hold that phone...What if your not Happy, but Grumpy instead..You've just booked a dream vacation at a deluxe resort which is costing you mega bucks, and months later you see it's going thro a major refurb when you'll be there..I'am talking big construction...Have you any leg to stand on.?.Is WDW liable for this disruption.?..Can you demand (1) A full refund on your entire package...(2) Move you to another deluxe resort..It's happened to a American friend of mine who is now considering other choices on site, but because it's during the F&W these are limited..Just wondering if any of you know what legalities are involved and has this ever happened to yourself.?.. confused

Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 1905

Why would there be any legalities? Certainly Disney has the right to upgrade, maintain or even change a resort. They will refund your friends money as long as she is not within so many of days of arriving. Disney will gladly do this without your friend having to Demand it. Your friend also has the right to change her reservation to another resort. If they are this upset about the construction without being there I do think it would be best for them to change resorts. Honestly the construction would not bother me. It had nothing to do with us not booking there for our next two trips. The simple truth of the matter is, we have DVC points we have to use. We do intend to book at the Poly for our January trip as soon as the window opens up to do so.

King Fergus

scrappy wrote:
Why would there be any legalities? Certainly Disney has the right to upgrade, maintain or even change a resort. They will refund your friends money as long as she is not within so many of days of arriving. Disney will gladly do this without your friend having to Demand it. Your friend also has the right to change her reservation to another resort. If they are this upset about the construction without being there I do think it would be best for them to change resorts. Honestly the construction would not bother me. It had nothing to do with us not booking there for our next two trips. The simple truth of the matter is, we have DVC points we have to use. We do intend to book at the Poly for our January trip as soon as the window opens up to do so.

Whoa..Climb down off that horse..LOL... wink ...I'am not out to run down Disney..At first I thought it was just minor work but I've read an article on what's going on, and it looks kinda major to me..The Poly is going to be half DVC in the future, but at $500 a night, I would be a little concerned..We once had booked a holiday on the island of Cyprus.With about 3 months to go we received a letter from the TA saying there was a little construction work getting done and offered us another hotel in the area,which we accepted..However curiosity got to me and I visited the hotel..It was like a disaster area..Two huge diggers..Jack hammers..cement mixers..etc...Anyway my friend is more qualified on Disney properties than myself and I'am sure it will be ok whatever she chooses..

EmFord's picture
Joined: 02/12/2014
Posts: 414

I think it depends on the level of construction.. We stayed at All Star Sports last year when they were renovating the food court and when we checked in we just asked for a room closer to the border to Music so we could hop over there when we wanted to grab a quick bite to eat. Now if it was something where they were renovating the whole area I might be a little mad, but I feel like now it's far enough in advance that your friend could find another deluxe resort in time for his/her trip if they think it will be a problem.


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Well if your friend hasn't known about the construction, then she is not been paying to much attention to Disney. This has been going on for over a year now and Disney has been announcing it, sending out letters, emails and even calling people who have reservations. Plus every web site and forum that has anything to do with Disney has something about the construction at the Poly on it, even ours here:

Polynesian Resort announces DVC

Polynesian lobby to close in March

Temporary location for Captain Cooks

And what I have said before:
1) There is no way to make construction look elegant.
2) If your worried about construction, you shouldn't stay there in the first place.
3) if you book knowing there is construction, don't complain if it bothers you and say Disney is ruining your vacation.

King Fergus

EmFord wrote:
I think it depends on the level of construction.. We stayed at All Star Sports last year when they were renovating the food court and when we checked in we just asked for a room closer to the border to Music so we could hop over there when we wanted to grab a quick bite to eat. Now if it was something where they were renovating the whole area I might be a little mad, but I feel like now it's far enough in advance that your friend could find another deluxe resort in time for his/her trip if they think it will be a problem.

Agree..She is checking other alternatives...Here is some photos of the work being carried out..

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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Those pictures are from last year! This is what its like now. You have to put out up to date information.

King Fergus

Cheers Mr Hub..Just took them off the Tikimanpages site..OMG...That's even worse... eek

King Fergus

mrhub wrote:
Well if your friend hasn't known about the construction, then she is not been paying to much attention to Disney. This has been going on for over a year now and Disney has been announcing it, sending out letters, emails and even calling people who have reservations. Plus every web site and forum that has anything to do with Disney has something about the construction at the Poly on it, even ours here:

Polynesian Resort announces DVC

Polynesian lobby to close in March

Temporary location for Captain Cooks

And what I have said before:
1) There is no way to make construction look elegant.
2) If your worried about construction, you shouldn't stay there in the first place.
3) if you book knowing there is construction, don't complain if it bothers you and say Disney is ruining your vacation.

There you go...Don't know if she looked into the facts and dates before she booked..All I know is that is where she goes every trip...It is her home from home..Cheers again for updating these pics..

Joined: 02/25/2012
Posts: 252

King Fergus wrote:
Hello Happy Disney People...Hold that phone...What if your not Happy, but Grumpy instead..You've just booked a dream vacation at a deluxe resort which is costing you mega bucks, and months later you see it's going thro a major refurb when you'll be there..I'am talking big construction...Have you any leg to stand on.?.Is WDW liable for this disruption.?..Can you demand (1) A full refund on your entire package...(2) Move you to another deluxe resort..It's happened to a American friend of mine who is now considering other choices on site, but because it's during the F&W these are limited..Just wondering if any of you know what legalities are involved and has this ever happened to yourself.?.. confused

The term 'let the buyer beware' comes to mind. It's up to folks to research before plunking down a boatload of money. MrHub is right - this has been widely reported for well over a year. Disney has a right to improve their property and folks have the right to choose to stay somewhere else - or choose to stay there and not expect to be "compensated" for their less than perfect stay.

Joined: 02/25/2012
Posts: 252

Isn't this the same thing you posted yesterday about the Poly? http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/poly-work

MrHub gave you links to check out the construction?

King Fergus

nhshorty wrote:
Isn't this the same thing you posted yesterday about the Poly? http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/poly-work

MrHub gave you links to check out the construction?

I was wanting other peoples opinion on what they would do..And yes...I have looked into Mr Hub links..Sorry for the inconvenience ..

Magic Days's picture
Joined: 11/02/2012
Posts: 601

From all the remodels I have seen at Disney they do a Great job at attempting to minimize the guest intrusions. The grand Floridian was not that bad when I was there a couple years ago. If that was my home away from home I would actually take pride in being there during the update. A little adventure so to speak. But my glass is usually over half full.


Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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The construction wouldn't bother me at all especially if I knew in advance that it was going on. We are in the parks all day anyway so we'd hardly notice it. As long as it was quiet at night to sleep, I'd be content awesome
It's funny how some people complain about construction and the inconvenience it causes them yet those same people would be complaining if the resort started getting tired and needed updating sarcastic

alicemouse's picture
Joined: 10/22/2013
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Personally, I would willingly choose to stay at a resort during construction. Several reasons:

1. Construction noise does not bother me regardless of time of day. DH will attest to the fact that I could sleep through a tornado.
2. I love "behind the scenes" tours. How much more behind the scenes can you get than seeing a resort, attraction, or park under construction?
3. I've never been one to rate watch at the deluxe resorts because if it wasn't for DVC, I'd never even consider staying there, but Poly looks less expensive to me right now than I would expect. Is the inconvenience of construction perhaps factored into the price?
4. My dad was a builder and I'm a real state agent. I've spent most of my life around construction. In a strange way, I find it kind of comforting.
5. I love the promise of future fun and excitement that new projects bring--especially at Disney! Don't get me wrong, when my favorite rides are down while I'm visiting, I'm pretty bummed out, but ultimately I know that the inconvenience caused by refurbs and construction are minor compared to the benefit of the finished product.


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designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
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I would not be bothered too much if at all by building work at the resorts, like when some one builds a new house on your street and people complain I always think 'well, how to you think these buildings get there?"

Its been so widely known about that sadly there is not a level leg to stand on, if they are enough days out, then yes they can change but will have to pay any difference. 1000's of people are going to be checking in to the poly so I am 100 percent certain that disneys level team will have done everything right in terms of protecting themselves.

As for construction, wouldn't it have been great if these hub changes could have been in a couple of years? wouldn't it have been great that once the mine train walls came down to just have the magic kingdom with out any construction walls or cranes, just for a year or so? I love the new hub idea but couldn't they have waited? It looks horrible at the moment. Hopefully things will be a lot nicer come october.

King Fergus

Thanks to all for your points of view..I do totally agree that if any company is gonna do it right,then it's Disney...The more I've had to think about it and researched the Poly web site. There is not one complaint about noise or disruption.I have passed this info onto my friend and since she is so fond of this resort, I would keep the faith...Thanks again everyone..

Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 1905

We visited the Poly 3 times last week. At the beginning of the week I would have told your friend not to worry about the construction. It was all outside and really while at the resort you could not see much of it. You can see the huts being built but the rest of it is behind fence. However...on our last day there they were putting up wall outside where you check in and starting to put up wall around the water feature inside the main building. If your friends does not go to Disney a lot, she may not be happy with all the construction now going on. I do highly suggest your friend really keep on top of all of this before they decide to keep their Poly reservations.

King Fergus

scrappy wrote:
We visited the Poly 3 times last week. At the beginning of the week I would have told your friend not to worry about the construction. It was all outside and really while at the resort you could not see much of it. You can see the huts being built but the rest of it is behind fence. However...on our last day there they were putting up wall outside where you check in and starting to put up wall around the water feature inside the main building. If your friends does not go to Disney a lot, she may not be happy with all the construction now going on. I do highly suggest your friend really keep on top of all of this before they decide to keep their Poly reservations.

Cheers..She is booked with Kingdom but has switched her dates to get free DDP..I think she now leaves end of October into November..Maybe 5 months time it will be better..She loves the Poly..

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Well, they are not talking for things to be done until late 2015, early 2016, just so she is for warned.

King Fergus

mrhub wrote:
Well, they are not talking for things to be done until late 2015, early 2016, just so she is for warned.

Yep..Agree...For her to stay anywhere else is out the question..She is a massive Poly lover..

Joined: 07/19/2013
Posts: 1562

It saddens me to hear that the water feature is shutting down. Crying

oldtink's picture
Joined: 03/11/2014
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While I find the people on this site to be extremely informative, I must admit for the first couple trips we did it solo with little else to help us but a CM on the phone. Not everyone stays in contact with all the changes happening when they don' t have an "end date" to plan for. She may honestly not have been aware prior to booking. It would seem , she might be able to ask, and maybe we can give KF's "friend" the benefit of the doubt??


"At some point in life you have to decide if you're the Tigger or the Eeyore."...Randy Pausch

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Pixiedust's picture
Joined: 09/05/2013
Posts: 26

I am sure that if you contact Disney's customer service, they'll be glad to accommodate reservations changes within reason awesome . The earlier you call, the more options you'll have to find a comparable deluxe resort at your price, but move on this, since these rooms fill up quickly.



"Sometimes it's fun to do the impossible" ~Walt Disney

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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If she's at all concerned about the pool refurbishment I came across this today.

Disney's Polynesian Resort Guests to Receive Blizzard Beach Tickets During Pool Rehab

King Fergus

Kristen K. wrote:
If she's at all concerned about the pool refurbishment I came across this today.

Disney's Polynesian Resort Guests to Receive Blizzard Beach Tickets During Pool Rehab

Thanks Kristen, I'll pass that link on..

Joined: 01/22/2014
Posts: 291

scrappy wrote:
We visited the Poly 3 times last week. At the beginning of the week I would have told your friend not to worry about the construction. It was all outside and really while at the resort you could not see much of it. You can see the huts being built but the rest of it is behind fence. However...on our last day there they were putting up wall outside where you check in and starting to put up wall around the water feature inside the main building. If your friends does not go to Disney a lot, she may not be happy with all the construction now going on. I do highly suggest your friend really keep on top of all of this before they decide to keep their Poly reservations.

What day did they put the wall around inside scrappy?? I totally didn't know they were doing that, and we were there Sunday for dinner at Kona. I would have taken some pictures of the waterfall had I known We would be some of the last people to see it lol


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

They started putting up the wall on May 9 Friday .

Joined: 01/22/2014
Posts: 291

Huh, shows how much I paid attention lol... I guess we could see it from the 2nd floor so I didn't even notice the wall


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