Update on AvatarLand?

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Lizzy_B's picture
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Update on AvatarLand?

A couple of blogs are reporting what might be leaked info about plans for what could potentially be AvatarLand at Animal Kingdom.

My thoughts? ...meh. I just cannot get excited about this, but I am happy that, rather than a whole land, maybe it's just a couple of attractions.

Have y'all seen this? What are your thoughts? With all the excitement at WDW over the Fantasyland expansion, I feel kind of exhausted by it all laugh But I suppose something new to look forward to is kinda fun.


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To be honest I am not real thrilled with the idea of an Avatarland. I couldn't get through the movie and I know I wouldn't be interested in any attraction Disney might put together...but of course that is just my opinion.

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
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I have no interest in the movie itself let alone having it as part of Animal Kingdom. If they were adding a new land I'd much rather it be the mythical creatures section that was originally planned.


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MrHub's picture
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I liked the movie, but I don't see it deserving a whole "land", plus I had read somewhere that this project was dropped.

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
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mrhub wrote:
I liked the movie, but I don't see it deserving a whole "land", plus I had read somewhere that this project was dropped.

Yeah, I heard that, too. Something about a disagreement with James Cameron? If that's the case than these are just leaks of what "would have been" rather than what will be coming in the future.


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

Mase's picture
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From what I can tell... what has been rumored... im calling shinanigans on this leaked info. With how popular Harry Potter is for Universal... I cant see Disney just doing this for Avatar. A mild water ride? I say this is or is for something else.

As for it being cancelled... very well could be. But the ideal place for Avatar to go is back behind Asia.

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J's picture
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Not my favorite movie, but it was visual impressive. I do think it would be neat to see Pandora come to life. It is the top grossing movie of all time, so you know there would be some interest.

ChipnDaleFan's picture
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I'm not excited to see it done if it has in fact not yet been dropped, but I can't see Disney doing it halfway and not going all out if they are doing it.


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I'd rather see them bring "Australia" to Animal Kingdom. All the fascinating animals from there would be amazing!!!

crazycatperson's picture
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A news report on the proposed Avatar ride with attraction blueprints appeared on the local TV news in Orlando while we were down there last week, so it's probably not just a rumor.

Kristen K.'s picture
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I'm okay with them adding this, I guess. I know that Disney isn't going to do anything cheesy and that the message of conservation is a good fit. I'm trying not to pass judgement at this point.

MikeMc's picture
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Mase wrote:
From what I can tell... what has been rumored... im calling shinanigans on this leaked info. With how popular Harry Potter is for Universal... I cant see Disney just doing this for Avatar. A mild water ride? I say this is or is for something else.

As for it being cancelled... very well could be. But the ideal place for Avatar to go is back behind Asia.

Avatar is more likely up front at Camp Minnie Mickey so it can be open later at night and be away from evening quarters for the animals




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JoAnn C's picture
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More news on Avatar land



Jess's picture
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Hmm that was interesting....They basicially redirected it from Avatarland to Cars land and said they would be adding more star wars so that's good


Mase's picture
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There hasn't been much in the way of official updates about Walt Disney World's planned Avatar land since it was first announced back in September 2011 as coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom. But today, at Disney's "Around the World" event, at which several of their theme park and other travel projects were discussed, Avatar was touched upon, albeit briefly.

Said Bruce Vaughn, Chief Creative Executive of Disney Imagineering, "Obviously, I think you all have heard that we are working with James Cameron and his group at Lightstorm, as well as Fox Film and Entertainment, to bring the world and characters of Avatar to life. And we're going to do this in a grand style. The world of Pandora and the other worlds that Cameron is currently inventing for the next movie are very rich, magical places. The Na'vi are an incredible group of characters. Let me tell you, these are going to be very challenging but very exciting for us to bring to life."

Vaughn went on to say, "The world itself is very vibrant and magical. The connectedness that I think people saw in that movie of the Na'vi and to that world, we want the guests to experience this and we are going to do it. So we are very excited about that."

The image shown onscreen during Disney's presentation.

There was a single photo shown of Cameron and others looking over a model. Vaughn remarked, "Now I can't really talk any more about it, because we're very early in the creative process. But what I can tell you is that what we're looking at here now has already evolved to a whole new place and I was just reviewing it last week and I am personally incredibly excited. And the fit at Animal Kingdom couldn't be better given the themes of Avatar, which is living in harmony with nature, which is a perfect match for us at Animal Kingdom, so we're very excited about that."

Unfortunately, no further details about the Avatar land were given, such as how many elements it will include, as far as attractions and entertainment.

On the heels of the original announcement about Avatar at Walt Disney World, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Chairman Tom Staggs said construction was expected to begin in 2013. While the Avatar sequels seem quite awhile away from beginning production, we'll see if the Avatar theme park experience can get the ball rolling a bit more quickly.


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MikeMc's picture
Joined: 08/12/2012
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The picture used once interesting. It seemed to show a land with no mountain, which is the subject of the "leaked plans". It also showed arches



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