Walt Disney World Half, or Disney Princess Half Marathon?

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dewingedpixie's picture
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Walt Disney World Half, or Disney Princess Half Marathon?

I really want to do one or both of these races. Has anyone here done either? Experiences? Which is better? I'm considering doing The Walt Disney World Half in 2013 for Team in Training (thats if they dont offer a half ironman in my chapter next fall). If I can find the funds I may try to get into the spring 2012 Disney Princess Half.



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I personally am not a runner, but my husband used to be until he had back surgery a few yrs back. He actually did the 5th, 6th, 7th , 8th and 9th yrs of the original marathon in Jan. Back then there weren't nearly as many runners, and Disney has had to add all the new and different runs now due to the high demand. When he ran it, the whole and half were the same route, you just veered off half way or kept going for the whole. It is our families greatest memories, I can't even tell you how super awesome it was. Last year we got up super early and went just to see the finish, didn't even know anyone running! He has run many other marathons in other places (marine corps, chicago), but Disney is his absolute favorite. We were able to see him several times along the route using Disney transportation to get here and there. The course is pretty flat and really fun, through the castle and the parks. The weather is usually nice, but one year it was so cold there was ICE on the puddles yuck We were SO cold but it was fun anyway, so you just don't know about the weather, at least in January. That's my more that two cents, hope it helps. If you do it let me know, we will come watch you finish!



Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust

dewingedpixie's picture
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I'm leaning towards the disney half in 2013. I'd love to do it in 2012 but I'm having enough problems fund-raising just to do the half I'm doing in October. I've never had these issues before. Plus I'm thinking about doing the new Rock N'Roll sponsored half marathon here too. I may also do a triathlon again next summer. The videos I see of the marathons are amazing it is on my to do list before my joints just completely poop out.




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Bella's picture
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Lizzy is doing a race soon..I think she might be doing the Food and Wine one! She'd be a good person to ask.

I, however, only run if there is a fire. Or a sale. So I am not a good person to answer this one.


mickey Bella

Lizzy_B's picture
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Bella wrote:
Lizzy is doing a race soon..I think she might be doing the Food and Wine one! She'd be a good person to ask.

I, however, only run if there is a fire. Or a sale. So I am not a good person to answer this one.

Bella, I think you could test my endurance in the shopping department Smile

I'm signed up for the Wine and Dine this October, and I'd love to do the Princess next February...I want to see how I do with this one first. I'll keep you posted. It's my first half, and I am not a runner, but I'm trying to be runner-ish, and I'm worried about the pacing. However, one of my good friends did the Princess Half last year and swears I'll be fine - that adrenaline takes over and I won't have any problems. I make her repeat that to me everytime I see her.


dewingedpixie's picture
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I read about the wine and dine that sounds fun too. Problem though I'm rallying to do a 70.3 in september next year so two trips for athletic events back to back are probably not in the picture. However I could probably budget for one in january, or feb of the following year.



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Lizzie, we'll come watch you finish in October! We've never experienced the wine and dine, looking forward to it! keep training!



Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust

Bella's picture
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The problem with the name "Wine and Dine" makes me think of cocktails and rich food--not running. Is there at least a wine tasting at the end?


mickey Bella

dewingedpixie's picture
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I think the park stays open late for those running it. They have access to food vendors etc.

Looks more and more like Walt Disney Half in 2013. I'm trying to pick a half ironman right now for next year. That will be either june or august.



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kayb's picture
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Either would be a great choice! I did the Princess this past year and loved it! I never thought running could be that much fun! mickey

dewingedpixie's picture
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Kay I love running just to run. I'm going out to CA in a couple of months to run the Nike Women's again, and that is an awesome race. I'd probably prefer the epcot run but I'll have to wait and see next year how finances are.



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dewingedpixie's picture
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Well turns out I maybe running Disney sooner than expected. I've officially become injured, I'll know later this week if a half marathon is possible in October or not. If not TNT will have me finish out the season as a mentor then I'll train with winter season on the fund's I'm raising to go to FL. No one really knows the extent of the injury since my pain tolerance is so very high. I'm having an orthopedic look at it this week :/.



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kayb's picture
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dewingedpixie wrote:
Kay I love running just to run. I'm going out to CA in a couple of months to run the Nike Women's again, and that is an awesome race. I'd probably prefer the epcot run but I'll have to wait and see next year how finances are.

I'm learning to love running...its been really hot here in Florida so I haven't gotten in a whole lot of running in this summer but I definitely miss it. I hope your injury heals quickly! mickey

dewingedpixie's picture
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kayb wrote:
dewingedpixie wrote:
Kay I love running just to run. I'm going out to CA in a couple of months to run the Nike Women's again, and that is an awesome race. I'd probably prefer the epcot run but I'll have to wait and see next year how finances are.

I'm learning to love running...its been really hot here in Florida so I haven't gotten in a whole lot of running in this summer but I definitely miss it. I hope your injury heals quickly! mickey

I'm unfortunatly expecting to be told its a stress fracture later this week. Which means no half marathon in October, and probably a walking boot for our trip :/.



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kayb's picture
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dewingedpixie wrote:
kayb wrote:
dewingedpixie wrote:
Kay I love running just to run. I'm going out to CA in a couple of months to run the Nike Women's again, and that is an awesome race. I'd probably prefer the epcot run but I'll have to wait and see next year how finances are.

I'm learning to love running...its been really hot here in Florida so I haven't gotten in a whole lot of running in this summer but I definitely miss it. I hope your injury heals quickly! mickey

I'm unfortunatly expecting to be told its a stress fracture later this week. Which means no half marathon in October, and probably a walking boot for our trip :/.

Sad day! Although the upside to this is that if you rent a wheelchair you get to skip part of the lines on a lot of the rides mickey

dewingedpixie's picture
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I'm pretty stubborn, so wheel chair isnt likely to happen.



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Lizzy_B's picture
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dewingedpixie wrote:
kayb wrote:
dewingedpixie wrote:
Kay I love running just to run. I'm going out to CA in a couple of months to run the Nike Women's again, and that is an awesome race. I'd probably prefer the epcot run but I'll have to wait and see next year how finances are.

I'm learning to love running...its been really hot here in Florida so I haven't gotten in a whole lot of running in this summer but I definitely miss it. I hope your injury heals quickly! mickey

I'm unfortunatly expecting to be told its a stress fracture later this week. Which means no half marathon in October, and probably a walking boot for our trip :/.

Ohno! That stinks. I've been having some pain in the top of my left foot, and I'm hoping it goes away if I ignore it. I have 8 miles on Sat, so I guess we'll see.

Let us know how you are! I hope you don't get stuck in a boot for your trip. Not tragic I guess...but it would be a nuisance. You'd be able to take it off to swim though, right?


dewingedpixie's picture
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Likely stuck in a boot for the trip. I'm waiting on the MRI report right now. I've been told xray is clean but I've either got a stress reaction (pre stress fracture) or a stress fracture. I've been booted because its to the point it hurts to walk, and we're leaning towards fracture at this point. Stress reaction will mean 4-6 weeks down I maybe able to sneak out of the boot before we go, Stress fracture 8-12 weeks down no way out of the boot.

They;re also pushing me to consider chair in Disney, I'm highly stubborn though.



Member of the ANRF Running Team. As a warrior of arthritis I encourage you to help us end this disease: http://www.active.com/donate/Racing4ACure/Run4Arthritis

Lizzy_B's picture
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If you don't mind me asking, what's the pain like? Mine only hurts when I have been off it for a while, then I get up and move around. It only hurts when I bear weight, and then it stops. It's not constant, and there hasn't been any bruising or swelling. It actually began while I was doing Pilates - I pointed my left toe a little too vehemently (I've noticed since I started running, I need to stretch my ankles more...it's harder to point my toes than it was before.) So I'm thinking it might not be a bone thing at all. Anyway, just wondering. It's not horrible or anything, and it's not constant. But with only about 6 weeks before the race, I'm concerned...and trying to avoid an unnecessary dr's visit Smile


dewingedpixie's picture
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Have a dr check it out never hurts to have it looked at. Have you tried stretching? Have you had your gait analyzed for the right shoes? I always reccomend siding on caution and when in doubt letting someone look at it.

I broke my foot last year due to a freak accident, and it wasnt pleasant. Breaking your Tibia is far less pleasant, at this point its literally excrutiating and my pain thresh hold is pretty rediculously high. I have no bruising or swelling, but that in part maybe due to my daily medications. I've gotten to the point it hurts walking in the boot. It hurts every step I take its like a hammer going to my shin, then the pain radiates outward. Hence each step is progressively more and more painful till I rest. Getting up I use my right leg because thats even worse, and forget about walking without the boo. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go on Gimp Sticks in about 2 hours here. My MRI report is back as of yesturday, and they told me I absolutely had to come back in today Sad. Looks like walking at Disney is probably out. However so are the lines!(there is a bright side to everything right? Maybe I can get one of those "celebrate" badges and put "My First Stress Fracture" to be synical?



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Lizzy_B's picture
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Thanks for the advice! Even sitting here, and stretching while I type, I think there's a good chance that it's muscular. It feels really good to stretch that part of my foot, actually. And yep - I had a full analysis when I bought my running shoes.

I'm so sorry that you're going through this, but I think it's awesome that you're looking to the brightside of things!


dewingedpixie's picture
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I just had it confirmed. I have a grade 3 stress fracture in my leg. It goes all the way across the bone. Nasty no wonder I can barely walk. Dr freely gave me crutches, and said a wheel chair is an excellent idea for Disney too much walking 2 weeks after diagnosis of a fracture of this nature Sad. So no lines and my own golf cart!



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Vettelover's picture
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Sorry to hear of the fracture but just think, your own version of "BUMPER CARS" laugh


Jess's picture
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Here's the new medal for 2012



dewingedpixie's picture
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Jess I wont be doing the 2012 Disney either. I wont have enough time to train most likely. They would like to have me out of the boot at the end of September, but sometime late October or Early November is far more likely with the grade of my fracture. I will be running 10+ miles at a time in the pool but re-transitioning me to ground is going to take some time to make sure the leg is solid, and time means I'm not running distance on the ground. My next long distance race wont be till early April 2012. This allows me plenty of time to heal, readjust, and properly train. It also allows me time for speed work. I came off a foot fracture last year and it took a while to come back despite being stronger than when I went out. If done right Ill come back faster and stronger, if done wrong I will injure myself again and possibly worse.



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dewingedpixie's picture
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Vettelover wrote:
Sorry to hear of the fracture but just think, your own version of "BUMPER CARS" laugh

Dont tempt me I already think of that when I see those things. I also think how do I turn the governor off on those things?



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JustCar's picture
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I will pm you the instructions to get the governor off, as long as you shout TALLY HO before hitting the gas pedal



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dewingedpixie's picture
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JustCar wrote:
I will pm you the instructions to get the governor off, as long as you shout TALLY HO before hitting the gas pedal


That would be awesome with my cute little pink and skull covering on my boot, and my crutches strapped to the back screaming Tally Ho would be funny!



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ChipnDaleFan's picture
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So sorry to hear about the fracture and race. I'm thinking of you and a good, speedy recovery.


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Vettelover's picture
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Hey Pi}{ie, send me the ECV and in a couple of weeks I can have a V8 motor mounted in that puppy wheelchair biggrin
