Unfortunately it is for real and is graphic.
This guy gets the JERK of the year award and it just goes to show that even Disney is not immune form the really disorderly drunks.
Unfortunately it is for real and is graphic.
This guy gets the JERK of the year award and it just goes to show that even Disney is not immune form the really disorderly drunks.
you know i have seen this on another forum and all they can say is how the CM acted wrongly in continuing to spray the pepper spray - i have refrianed from commenting as what i would say i'm sure wouldnt go down too well... i think the CM acted completely in the right way!!
Our Very Merry 24 nighter Nov/Dec 15
Watson's go West May 15
The one with all the birthdays Oct 14 4 Big Birthdays and a Vow Renewal thrown in
The OMG trip June 14 30th Birthday present from the hubs
Girly trip March 14 A last min cheapy week
September 13 our first all DVC stay
TR May 2013 the last min bargain trip offsite
Oct 2012 TR with a cruise!big family trip featuring the beach club, AKL, the dream and a villa offsite
TR on a budget May - June 2011offsite condo
TR Sept - Oct 2010 big family trip in an offsite villa
Isn't pepper spray more destructive than how the guest was reacting? I mean when I watched the video of those college kids in California getting sprayed their reaction was MUCH more significant than this drunk. He barely coughed and it didn't seem to restrict his vision or incapacitate him. Could the guard have been spraying something else? I think it may have been Mace instead of Pepper Spray.
I saw this a couple of days ago when it came across the Disney Gossip site, and I was really disappointed that back up didn't get there sooner than it did.
Let me tell ya, security was in an uproar over this guy...this incident spread through the CM's like wildfire. In defense of the pepper spraying, you wouldn't belive how some people act...The other day at our petting farm, a man punched our Mini Donkey in the face. Security was involved after he got in my face threatening to sue me for yelling at him...Some guests, especially when drunk, feel so entitled to get whatever they want that they will not feel bad about assaulting CM's. And as a CM, you are all but defenseless...
Video is now unavailable to watch!
I think it's disgusting how some guests treat CM's, intoxicated or not, some of the attitudes and actions I've witnessed over the years is disgraceful. Even Disney is not immune to the idiocity of some people!
[url='http://salocainwonderland.blogspot.com']Saloca in Wonderland[/url] <--- blog!
( OMG someone punched a donkey?!!!!!!That breaks my heart. Some people just don't care what they do or say......it just breaks my heart to hear these stories....
Just goes to show there are idiots everywhere.
Let me tell ya, security was in an uproar over this guy...this incident spread through the CM's like wildfire. In defense of the pepper spraying, you wouldn't belive how some people act...The other day at our petting farm, a man punched our Mini Donkey in the face. Security was involved after he got in my face threatening to sue me for yelling at him...Some guests, especially when drunk, feel so entitled to get whatever they want that they will not feel bad about assaulting CM's. And as a CM, you are all but defenseless...
First of all RYRY you said "in defense of the pepper spraying" as far as I am concerned the spraying was completely justified and needs NO defending, in my mind a tazer would have been even better. Secondly I am in no way trying to minimize the incident involving you and the guy should have been charged with cruelty to animals, but the one thing that came to mind was the headline should read "jackass punches donkey". Hope you are OK!
Also to campbell87 I just checked and the video is still there.
OMG, he should have been dragged away and punched in his face!! Anyone that would ever hurt an animal, or a CM for that matter, should be treated like the slime they truly are!
Vettelover, now that I know our Donk is ok, that made me laugh soooo hard! Seriously, that would have been the best headline ever.
I couldn't believe how long it took for someone to actually HELP the CM. You had all of these employees people managing, and no offense to the CM... even with the pepper spray, he was out matched. Thank goodness that guy in the Lakers jersey and another guy basically jumped on top of the drunk and pinned him down. All of that could had gone totally wrong... and I honestly think the CM spraying the pepper spray could had done MORE! lol.... but it didn't look like it fazed him to much....
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