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CarJust's picture
Joined: 10/01/2010
Posts: 173

Earl of sandwich for the win!! OMG I don't want to eat anything else ever again!!


Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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CarJust wrote:
Earl of sandwich for the win!! OMG I don't want to eat anything else ever again!!

I kind of wish I could kick you...both of you.


mickey Bella

CarJust's picture
Joined: 10/01/2010
Posts: 173

rolling HAHAHAH!!!! Too funny....no, really tho....I want this company to come to my city. That was the best sandwich I have ever had in my life.
After we ate there we did Disney quest for about 2 hours or so....walk around and did some shopping and then went to Planet Hollywood.....Both of us were not impressed.
Tomorrow morning is Epcot again, we have reservations at Coral Reef........


JustCar's picture
Joined: 08/24/2010
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Actually Brown Derby for the WIN


Oct 2009 POP
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Oct 2013 Coronado
May 2014 AKL , Magic, AoA Girlie Trip
Oct 2014 CBR Pirate Room Girlie Trip
Nov 2014 DCL Fantasy 7 Night Eastern Caribbean, Girlie Trip, POR Royal Guest Suite, GF Concierge
August 2015 DCL Magic 7 Night Mediterranean
October 2015 DL Grand Californian, DCL Wonder Panama Canal


Joined: 10/29/2009
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I have to agree with you JustCar. Brown Derby rates very high with me.

CarJust's picture
Joined: 10/01/2010
Posts: 173

I really had a great time at the brown derby...the food was wonderful and the place was beautiful but still all I can think about is that sandwich at Earls......


Lizzy_B's picture
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CarJust wrote:
I really had a great time at the brown derby...the food was wonderful and the place was beautiful but still all I can think about is that sandwich at Earls......

I know right? I mean, so delish...and actually REASONABLE! I really, really wonder how they get away with it.


CarJust's picture
Joined: 10/01/2010
Posts: 173

so last night we had reservations at Coral Reef. What a beautiful restaurant ! I could really see myself having a wonderful time there except one thing.....it was FULL of screaming kids. Now when I say screaming kids I'm not lying....and hitting that really high note too.....
I'm going to ask all the parents on this board a questions......do you let your kids sit in a restaurant and hit those high notes???
If not, do you have any idea why anyone would let their kids do such a thing??
Anyways, back to Coral Reef.......great place, I had the steak and Justcar had the Mahi Mahi....both very good.


Kris1971's picture
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Anyways, back to Coral Reef.......great place, I had the steak and Justcar had the Mahi Mahi....both very good.

Carjust and JustCar...you had exactly what my husband I get each time we go there. He gets the steak and I get the mahi mahi. We enjoyed our meal so much last time that we're going back again during our upcoming trip in October. I'll keep my fingers crossed that we don't have the same screaming kid experience!!!!!


Jess's picture
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Brooklin will scream out everyone in awhile... She likes to hear herself scream or hear the echo if we are in a place that echos but we don let her sit there and do it if she starts... Especially if there are other people around.. I hate it when people don't control their children in public


Trueblue63's picture
Joined: 08/18/2011
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CarJust wrote:
so last night we had reservations at Coral Reef. What a beautiful restaurant ! I could really see myself having a wonderful time there except one thing.....it was FULL of screaming kids. Now when I say screaming kids I'm not lying....and hitting that really high note too.....
I'm going to ask all the parents on this board a questions......do you let your kids sit in a restaurant and hit those high notes???
If not, do you have any idea why anyone would let their kids do such a thing??
Anyways, back to Coral Reef.......great place, I had the steak and Justcar had the Mahi Mahi....both very good.

We never let our son make a racket at a restaurant. If he got rambunctious once of us got up and took him out.


CarJust's picture
Joined: 10/01/2010
Posts: 173

So today we did chef micky.....LOL....I expected the kids to be going wild, so I loved it. I so want to stay at the contemporary. What a beautiful hotel.
The buffet was wonderful. We waited around to get a few pics of the characters ( I wasn't leaving until I got to meet the main mouse! )
Today was brutal hot so we came back to pop after and Justcar had a nap while I hit the pool and laid out in the sun.
At around 4 ish we went to epcot and hit a couple hides and walked around until it was time for chefs du france.
Everything was perfect.....service was the best we had for this entire trip! The food was delish and I hardly heard a kid. wink
After we ate it was time for the fireworks.....we found a not so great spot for the show and missed a lot of it.

I got a lot of sun today so I am going to bed.........I think I've got well over a 1000 pics to go through and a few hrs of vid.....gimme a few days and I'll post some.



WyckedPhoenix's picture
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CarJust wrote:
so last night we had reservations at Coral Reef. What a beautiful restaurant ! I could really see myself having a wonderful time there except one thing.....it was FULL of screaming kids. Now when I say screaming kids I'm not lying....and hitting that really high note too.....
I'm going to ask all the parents on this board a questions......do you let your kids sit in a restaurant and hit those high notes???
If not, do you have any idea why anyone would let their kids do such a thing??
Anyways, back to Coral Reef.......great place, I had the steak and Justcar had the Mahi Mahi....both very good.

I'm really glad you guys are having an awesome time! It's making me super excited, LoL. About Coral Reef, a friend of mine went there and told me she had the same problem, lots of loud kids.. I don't understand how parents let them do that but that is just me..


*Jennifer Lynn* NDW #38

Check out my blog at Jennifer's Disney Adventures

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

CarJust wrote:
I so want to stay at the contemporary. What a beautiful hotel.

I'm so glad to hear you say that. I'll be checking in at the Contemporary for the very first time in 34 days. I've ALWAYS wanted to stay there, so I'm glad you thought it was beautiful!


Joined: 06/08/2011
Posts: 56

How awesome that you seem to be having the best time.

Loud children happens more often than not even in the "real world" once my husband and I were at the Melting Pot (a pretty nice/expensive fondue resturant) and there was a family with 2 kids and their kids were screaming and running around. Luckily the manager moved us. I have been trying to mentally prepare myself for the children on our upcoming trip (it is Disney World after all) It seems like you two aren't letting it bother you two much.

I can't wait to see all of your photos! Keep having fun!

CarJust's picture
Joined: 10/01/2010
Posts: 173

ummm whats that Earl? oh ya, I'm on my way!!


dewingedpixie's picture
Joined: 07/21/2011
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CarJust wrote:
so last night we had reservations at Coral Reef. What a beautiful restaurant ! I could really see myself having a wonderful time there except one thing.....it was FULL of screaming kids. Now when I say screaming kids I'm not lying....and hitting that really high note too.....
I'm going to ask all the parents on this board a questions......do you let your kids sit in a restaurant and hit those high notes???
If not, do you have any idea why anyone would let their kids do such a thing??
Anyways, back to Coral Reef.......great place, I had the steak and Justcar had the Mahi Mahi....both very good.

I love Coral Reef. We go during the lull between dinner and lunch its quiet then. I never let my kid scream like that. I've packed her up when she was younger if she tried that. As a parent you have to respect the limits of children make sure they sleep and eat right etc within those limits. Dont take them out during nap or dinner time especially the little ones. You have to also provide diversion for them because especially the little ones get bored quick which isnt good for anyone. Lastly you have to set rules and keep those rules. Dont let your children bend or break them no matter how hard ass or mean you feel, you're not a bad parent you're doing the right thing. Thats why at 6 I took my kid to all sorts of nice places at disney and she never threw a fit because she knew Mommy wouldnt put up with it, and I respected she shouldnt be eating dinner at 8:30 2+ hours past her normal dinner time just because that was the only reservation open.



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CarJust's picture
Joined: 10/01/2010
Posts: 173

We just got back from MNSSHP.......Fireworks were so amazing.....tired, need sleep....tomorrow is our last day at the parks.....
This makes me very sad sad


Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

I'm sad for you both too. The last day is always a bummer! Have a safe trip home! Can't wait to see pictures!


Joined: 07/02/2011
Posts: 988

What sandwich did you eat that was so amazing at The Earl of Sandwich?

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Have a safe trip home, will be waiting to hear more about you trip.

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

CarJust wrote:
so last night we had reservations at Coral Reef. What a beautiful restaurant ! I could really see myself having a wonderful time there except one thing.....it was FULL of screaming kids. Now when I say screaming kids I'm not lying....and hitting that really high note too.....
I'm going to ask all the parents on this board a questions......do you let your kids sit in a restaurant and hit those high notes???
If not, do you have any idea why anyone would let their kids do such a thing??
Anyways, back to Coral Reef.......great place, I had the steak and Justcar had the Mahi Mahi....both very good.

Guys - sooo glad you're having a great time! To answer your question: No, never, never, no. If either of my children start making loud noise in a restaurant or similar (production of some sort, church, etc) I immediately take them out. It's not fair to others not to do that.

On the other hand...I LOVE what you said about Chef Mickey's. You expected noisy kids, and so you were fine with it. To me, that's really cool and understanding.

Have a great time today, and beyond excited to hear all of your details!


Joined: 06/08/2011
Posts: 56

I hope you have an amazing last day, and safe travels home!

CarJust's picture
Joined: 10/01/2010
Posts: 173

So today is our last day for the parks and you guessed it.....we had to go see Earl one last time....just got back from downtown and now we are getting ourselves straightened out for Magic Kingdom. Going to do a few last min rides and then we have reservations at the castle.
Tonight we have to finish packing...today is a very sad day.
Neither of us want to go back home.



Joined: 02/10/2011
Posts: 597

So glad you had a great time!



Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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I enjoyed your running commentary on your trip. I can't wait to see pictures.


Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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Hope you have a good trip home, and just think now you can start planning your NEXT trip to WDW. yay clapping


CarJust's picture
Joined: 10/01/2010
Posts: 173

Sitting in the Orlando airport.....this morning has felt like a horrible dream.....I want to go back to sleep and try over. sad


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Dont be sad. That just means it is time for a new countdown!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Heck by now scrappy would have been planning our ADR's for the next trip!