What to do without kids

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Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280
What to do without kids

So like Mase mentioned in another thread. We are supposed to get an evening to ourselves one night this week so what would you suggest would be something awesome that we should do while we are kid free? Thanks


Joined: 08/30/2008
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Jess wrote:
So like Mase mentioned in another thread. We are supposed to get an evening to ourselves one night this week so what would you suggest would be something awesome that we should do while we are kid free? Thanks

Er... Hum. I don't think we can discuss this in a family-friendly forum!

laugh laugh laugh yay yay yay



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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Pick a great lounge, have a few drinks, take a long boat ride, and eat some great food! Do the things that your kids don't like to do but that you want to!

Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 1905

Hi Jess,
Hope you are having a great time. Mase asked the same question on his diner thread so I gave my thoughts on the subject there.

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

I'd go back over to MK and jump in the Doombuggies at HM and snuggle throughout the ride a few times muchlove

It might also be fun to head over to the Poly and wander through the grounds holding hands and finding a place for a few cocktails. I think you can watch Wishes from somewhere over there for a different view.

Joined: 07/02/2011
Posts: 988

You need to go on the "Horse-Drawn Carriage Ride" at Port Orleans Riverside. Very romantic.

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Well I made the executive decision to wait and do something friday night. The problem I keep running into is that everything closes so early...which I just don't understand why. We are having dinner at Boma that night at seven so we will just go out after then and try and get some stuff done. I wanted to be able to walk through and actually look at the stuff in the countries because I never have been able to and got excited because Epcot has EMH's that night and is open till midnight but then I found out that the world showcase doesn't stay open for that. So I think what we will do depending on the time we get out of supper is go and walk around the world showcase if we have time...then headover to the Boardwalk and do some stuff over there cause I was told that it's open till 11..and then go to DTD cause it should be open late to


Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

Jess wrote:
Well I made the executive decision to wait and do something friday night. The problem I keep running into is that everything closes so early...which I just don't understand why. We are having dinner at Boma that night at seven so we will just go out after then and try and get some stuff done. I wanted to be able to walk through and actually look at the stuff in the countries because I never have been able to and got excited because Epcot has EMH's that night and is open till midnight but then I found out that the world showcase doesn't stay open for that. So I think what we will do depending on the time we get out of supper is go and walk around the world showcase if we have time...then headover to the Boardwalk and do some stuff over there cause I was told that it's open till 11..and then go to DTD cause it should be open late to

Who told you that World Showcase won't be open during EMH? They were when I was there for EMH last Feb- I rode Maelstrom and got school bread there during EMH. That would be good. I love my kiddoes, but I totally agree - just getting to walk around without a 1000 questions and finding stroller parking is a joy! awesome


Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Lizzy_B wrote:
Jess wrote:
Well I made the executive decision to wait and do something friday night. The problem I keep running into is that everything closes so early...which I just don't understand why. We are having dinner at Boma that night at seven so we will just go out after then and try and get some stuff done. I wanted to be able to walk through and actually look at the stuff in the countries because I never have been able to and got excited because Epcot has EMH's that night and is open till midnight but then I found out that the world showcase doesn't stay open for that. So I think what we will do depending on the time we get out of supper is go and walk around the world showcase if we have time...then headover to the Boardwalk and do some stuff over there cause I was told that it's open till 11..and then go to DTD cause it should be open late to

Who told you that World Showcase won't be open during EMH? They were when I was there for EMH last Feb- I rode Maelstrom and got school bread there during EMH. That would be good. I love my kiddoes, but I totally agree - just getting to walk around without a 1000 questions and finding stroller parking is a joy! awesome

They were open.... and that's what we ended up doing...it was really fun to be able to explore some of that stuff we have never seen before...and we were more on a pin trading mission...cause the cast members in all the stores all had pins
