We just got to Disney World today and we forgot a few things. Have you ever left something tragically important at home?
We just got to Disney World today and we forgot a few things. Have you ever left something tragically important at home?
2 years ago we forgot to bring enough binks. We werent counting on our baby girl to lose 4 of them... and on the 4th day when we were riding Test Track she lost her last bink, and my Dad had to go find a new bink. Luckily he found one and bought a couple... lol
Ummmm... we forgot our wireless modem last year. Wasnt that big of a deal since I used my phones internet most of the time because it was faster... lol
As for major stuff... I cant remember besides those two things. My wife may remember more. lol
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The worse thing was just poor planning on my part Duh!! I miscalculated how much Lantus (a type of insulin) I would require for my two week stay, and I noticed I was dangerously low after only 6 days. I had to call my son and he had to travel the 45 miles from his house to ours to get some more out of my refrigerator, pack it in a cooler with some re-usable ice-packs then package it for shipping and the ship it overnight to us at SSR. I had to mortgage the house to repay my son the shipping costs for that one Then the next day I kept waiting for the package and by evening when it had not showed up I had to go looking for it and it was at the bell services. When I asked why I was not notified that it was in, they said they did not know what room or building I was in. Needless to say I was QUITE upset, Don't they have a guest list SOMEWHERE on property.
The router was the worst thing we probably forgot, although I'm looking for the cord to get pictures off the camera right now. If I can't find that it's going to be a drag.
Hey!! Brad you had better find that cable, WE NEED PHOTOS with your Trip report
OH!! and by the way have a great time.
The worse thing was just poor planning on my part Duh!! I miscalculated how much Lantus (a type of insulin) I would require for my two week stay, and I noticed I was dangerously low after only 6 days. I had to call my son and he had to travel the 45 miles from his house to ours to get some more out of my refrigerator, pack it in a cooler with some re-usable ice-packs then package it for shipping and the ship it overnight to us at SSR. I had to mortgage the house to repay my son the shipping costs for that oneThen the next day I kept waiting for the package and by evening when it had not showed up I had to go looking for it and it was at the bell services. When I asked why I was not notified that it was in, they said they did not know what room or building I was in. Needless to say I was QUITE upset, Don't they have a guest list SOMEWHERE on property.
Wow, that's a horrible thing to forget!
I thought it was bad when I forgot my hair conditioner...
I once forgot the camera charger! Big oops! Lost alot of pic opportunities that trip.
I think my husband listed everything we forgot at home. But last year we ended up leaving stuff at Disney. We left my sons bookbag with all his souvenirs and carry on items for the plane. We realized it on the way to the airport and i called them and the said they would call us if they found it...well later in the day I called and they said they didnt find it. I was pretty upset cause I knew it was there. Well I kept calling and bugging them about it and they finally found it and shipped it to us.
I previously divulged my worst "almost" forgot at the parks - a breast pump (go ahead, JeffC, be mortified all over again...) but I would say, more like Joe, it was more poor planning. Last year for an overnite, we followed in faith the FL winter forecast a little too closely...and they got it DEAD wrong. It was supposed to be sunny in the 60s and it was sunny, biting wind, 40s and 50s - and we had light sweaters. We were so miserable we actually had to leave MK
Dave forgot his shoes once. True friggin' story.Who drives to Florida barefoot? My husband. He had walked to the car in his house slippers & forget to put his real shoes in the car.
BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that's funny. Joe drives barefoot - this will so happen to him one of these trips! Hahaha!
Lizzy_B -
Bella wrote:Dave forgot his shoes once. True friggin' story.Who drives to Florida barefoot? My husband. He had walked to the car in his house slippers & forget to put his real shoes in the car.
Smart.BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that's funny. Joe drives barefoot - this will so happen to him one of these trips! Hahaha!
Lizzy_B -
Bella, my FIL. That's who. He would totally do this. My MIL now has a drill he has to complete everytime he gets back into the car after filling up with gas: "got your wallet?" "Yes." "Put the gas cap back on?" "yes" "Did you put the credit card back in your wallet?" "yes" "did you pay?" and so on...I have a visual that the southwest is littered with gascaps and wallets (and probably shoes) from my FIL.
Jeff - that made me LOL so hard! Thx - I needed that.
There's a legendary story at the office that still surfaces every once in a while that involves me and a breast pump. I am scarred for life. This does not help.
I know, I remember! Part of the reason I'm sitting here laughing like a loon as I type.
Oh, I shared that here already? Oh crapsticks....now I see why you are still laughing.....i will be crawling back under my rock now.
Nonono! We're all getting to be good enough friends that we KNOW when we're going to tease each other! Love it!
(Bella, I actually said "No bueno" in an email the other day. Totally your influence.)
My 2 new most-used phrases are crapsitcks (thanks Bella!) and oh wellsies (thanks DD!). Haha!
But back to the most exciting point at hand - Brad is at WDW!!! YAY Brad!!! Have a blast