Where do you do Christmas?

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cdub's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3220
Where do you do Christmas?

We do Christmas at the parents. Do you guys go anywhere? Have anyone over?

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Wife and I usually go to my oldest daughter and son-in-laws, They have a rather large house and they have the whole family over there.


Joined: 09/12/2010
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We're hanging out at home. My parents have both passed, and Joe's family is in Minnesota, and we have no intention of going back to Minnesota in December. yuck

bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
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@cdub We go to the parents, too. Gram can't travel, so we all head to their neck of the woods.

@vettelover How many people show up for Christmas, usually? Sounds like a big group!

@JeffC I know you guys just moved -- will this be your first Christmas alone?


May 2008 CSR mickey

Tony's picture
Joined: 12/23/2009
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We're at home. My parents and my neice(4) and nephew(6) will be coming round for the day. Everyone prefers Mrs T's cooking to my Mum's.


I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Bali, There are usually 15 to 20 people that show up. That is not counting their 2 dogs and 5 cats laugh


Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
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We go to one set of parents through Christmas Eve and then get up at the crack of dawn Christmas Day and fly to the other set!

Joined: 09/12/2010
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bali wrote:
@JeffC I know you guys just moved -- will this be your first Christmas alone?

No, we've had a few alone in the past, so we'll fire up the parade and hopefully I'll be well enough from the surgery to be up and around and eat lots of Christmas goodies!

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

We spend Christmas Eve with Dave's family at his grandparents house..it's huge usually 15-20 people! We eat and open presents..other than Holden there aren't any "little kids" and in his family Santa only comes for the little kids on Christmas morning..all the big stuff is the night before. So we pack up the car and at around midnight (after all the present opening mania is over) we head to my parents where it's just me, Dave, my parents, brother and Holden and then we open presents and eat a yummy breakfast. It was a good compromise Smile


mickey Bella

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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We'll be at home...but the inlaws will descend, because they don't understand the concept of sharing holidays with my side of the family, even though we were just at their house for Thanksgiving. I sort of insisted that we "be allowed" to stay at home once we had children, because I wanted them to wake up at home Christmas morning.

I never knew marriage would prove to make the holidays so difficult to work out, but nearly 10 years later, we still struggle.


caitiesus's picture
Joined: 03/11/2009
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We go to my family in Ohio and it is crazy/. Not many people, but LOT of holiday happiness. Christmas Eve is church, beef tenderloin dinner that is the best meal ever, and then PJs and a book. THat is with my parents, brother, and grandmother

Actual Christmas morning, we get up and open the gifts from that group. We then eat breakfast that my dad makes. We take our showers then open up the present from my family in Indiana. The rest of my family (three people) and my brother's gf will come over around three and we will have a ton of snacks another round of gifts, then a delicious dinner.

Like I said, it is a little crazy, but we love Christmas!

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

caitiesus wrote:
We go to my family in Ohio and it is crazy/. Not many people, but LOT of holiday happiness. Christmas Eve is church, beef tenderloin dinner that is the best meal ever, and then PJs and a book. THat is with my parents, brother, and grandmother

Actual Christmas morning, we get up and open the gifts from that group. We then eat breakfast that my dad makes. We take our showers then open up the present from my family in Indiana. The rest of my family (three people) and my brother's gf will come over around three and we will have a ton of snacks another round of gifts, then a delicious dinner.

Like I said, it is a little crazy, but we love Christmas!

That sounds lovely and MUCH more like how our family observed the holidays when I was growing up. Can we join in? Smile


caitiesus's picture
Joined: 03/11/2009
Posts: 682

Lizzy_B wrote:
caitiesus wrote:
We go to my family in Ohio and it is crazy/. Not many people, but LOT of holiday happiness. Christmas Eve is church, beef tenderloin dinner that is the best meal ever, and then PJs and a book. THat is with my parents, brother, and grandmother

Actual Christmas morning, we get up and open the gifts from that group. We then eat breakfast that my dad makes. We take our showers then open up the present from my family in Indiana. The rest of my family (three people) and my brother's gf will come over around three and we will have a ton of snacks another round of gifts, then a delicious dinner.

Like I said, it is a little crazy, but we love Christmas!

That sounds lovely and MUCH more like how our family observed the holidays when I was growing up. Can we join in? Smile

It is lovely - it is what makes it my favorite 24 hours of every year! I am so happy that Jason is Jewish so we get to share our holidays with each other and don't have to fight over where we are on holidays

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

caitiesus wrote:

It is lovely - it is what makes it my favorite 24 hours of every year! I am so happy that Jason is Jewish so we get to share our holidays with each other and don't have to fight over where we are on holidays

That does work out well doesn't it!


mickey Bella