Would rough weather at sea scare you?

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Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
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Would rough weather at sea scare you?

So I always imagine those cruise ships to be like floating islands. I never really imagine that anything bad can happen to them. That being said if a really big storm hit, I think I might get pretty nervous. Has anyone had this happen? How do you think you'd react?

ChipnDaleFan's picture
Joined: 05/02/2010
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That's why I avoid cruise ships! Lol. I'm so terrified of the ocean and have such a bad track record in terms of natural disasters that I'm sure the rogue wave would find me!


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teacherdrama's picture
Joined: 03/11/2009
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The three cruises I've been on in my life have been very smooth - there's mild rocking that you get used to very quickly, but otherwise you hardly know you're on a boat most of the time. That said, if the seas DID get rough, I don't know how I'd handle it. Just go during the times of year when that doesn't happen and you'll likely have smooth sailing all the way.


Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man

Tony's picture
Joined: 12/23/2009
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With all the technology on cruise ships to help keep them stable I don't think it would get too bad even in really rough weather. Hopefully if I ever go on a cruise I won't have to find out.


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LifeIsForLiving's picture
Joined: 07/06/2009
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They do have a lot of technology to keep the perceived motion to a minimum, but that varies greatly by ship. There are only a select few that have technology to all but eliminate it. The one cruise I went on was on a pretty large modern vessel and the one time we experienced some 'large seas', you could certainly feel it.

SpaceAce's picture
Joined: 07/06/2008
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Yes, yes, and yes. I would hate to be caught in the middle of a big storm at sea.

Problem is, that's when the cruises are cheapest -- during things like hurricane season.




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We have only been on one cruise. We went to Bermuda for our 10th anniversary. Our anniversary is in September so we went during hurricane season. And sure enough was forming just days before we left.
It ended up being a pretty big one. It was hurricane Hugo. We never did have any rain during the cruise but we rocked and rolled the whole way home. In fact when we docked in Bermuda they announced that the ship was only going to stay in dock for four hours then move out into the ocean and drop anchor. They assured us we would be safe but they were afraid the ship would destroy the dock with the high winds.
We had what they said was one of the best cabins to be in during a storm. We had an inside cabin down near water level. We still felt plenty of the rocking and pitching. I can not imagine how it felt up higher. I was terrified at first. Mrhub took me out on a deck while we were still allowed out there to show me that the boat was not pitching as much as it felt like it was. They ended up closing all the decks and announced that we did not have to dress for dinner. They did not want the ladies in high heals.
Our last dinner on board was so rough that they only filled glasses and such half full. At one point a waiter came out of the kitchen with a tray full of food over his head. The boat really pitched and he went almost running with the tray still over his head all the way across the room. He did not drop a thing. The whole room stood up and clapped.
We came into Philadelphia just as Hugo slammed into the Carolinas. Between the storm and the size of the rooms that one cruise was enough for me. I would much rather weather a hurricane in Disney than on a cruise.

MrHub's picture
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That was the finale voyage of the SS Gallileo, we had 30 foot wakes on the way home. They all but closed the casino, only left the slots opened and you had to hold you cup sidewise win you hit to catch the coins.

bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
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That sounds terrifying to me, Scrappy and MrHub. I don't feel all that comfortable out in the middle of the ocean in the first place, so 30-foot swells and the ship taking precautions would pretty much send me into hysterics! =D


May 2008 CSR mickey

subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
Posts: 569

Yeah! It's a little scary but it's not so bad at about 400 feet underwater.
Joe laugh


Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

I just watched this video of a guy taping some sharks while he was paddleboarding:


I'm not sure if I'm ever going in the water again.