Sometimes I think I would love to work there and be "In The Magic" everyday. Love to work on Main St with all the Victorian surroundings. Then I get afraid if I did that it would spoil the magic. What are your thoughts?
Sometimes I think I would love to work there and be "In The Magic" everyday. Love to work on Main St with all the Victorian surroundings. Then I get afraid if I did that it would spoil the magic. What are your thoughts?
I'd love to work at Disney, but maybe not as a Park cast member. I have a history in floral design and decorating so working in the flower shop would be fun!
I think it might also be fun to work the rides when I retire. I've seen many cast members that look at least 75 doing that!
I would love to work for Disney, but like Courtney, I hate the heat. I don't like going anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon Line in the summer, so living in Florida is out of the question.
I apply for at least 3-4 jobs a year in the corporate area. One of these times they will cave and bring me in! Ha!
I could probably not do a park job - the heat & humidity would kill me, and I am falling apart more and more every year and would not be able to stand for long periods of time.
I really wish I could go back in time and apply for a Disney internship. Never ever occurred to me then.
After college Dave and I went down and interviewed for jobs. I was a costume design major and Dave was an acting major. We were both offered jobs....that paid SEVEN dollars an hour.
Seven. Even though we were broke just out of college students we knew that was not enough to do crazy things like buy gas and eat.
Much like Jeff I wish I would have heard of the College Program when I was in college. Going down and getting our feet in the door that way would have probably been better and we could have been offered higher paying positions when we graduated. Oh has a way of working out.
Otherwise I am really not a fan of Orlando...sorry to those of you who live there...the traffic and all the people is just too much for me.
I would work in the corporate area.
I would love to work for Disney, but I just can't handle the heat!
I third your comments about going back and doing the college internship. That would have been a blast!! I have a family friend who is in college now, she was offered a character position for this semester and DIDNT TAKE IT! Her boyfriend didn't want her to be all the way in Florida... I know she will regret it, thats an amzing opportunity!
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A coworker of mine considered working for Disney when she was two or three years out of college. She was having second thoughts about her career path and thought Disney would be a great place to work. When she applied, she discovered that she would be starting out as an entry-level employee, same as a kid fresh out of high school with no work experience or college degree. She said that everyone starts out that way, and in time you work your way up the ladder. So she stayed put.
As someone who does a lot of work while I'm there, I can say it does take some of the magic out of it when it starts to become "familiar." Part of that is just having gone frequently and part of that is having it be a "job site." We talk to a lot of CMs though who love it and wouldn't have it any other way, so it's definitely a matter of preference.
It would be my dream job to be second guitarist for "Mulch, Sweat, & Shears" at Hollywood Studios!!!!
Those guys have the best gig anywhere....oh by the way I can sing great too guys!!!!!
I really love the Florida much to see and do....keep rockin'!!!
It would be my dream job to be second guitarist for "Mulch, Sweat, & Shears" at Hollywood Studios!!!!
Those guys have the best gig anywhere....oh by the way I can sing great too guys!!!!!
I really love the Florida much to see and do....keep rockin'!!!
Hey Daryl! Welcome to the boards!
Mulch, Sweat & Shears would be a nice gig. Any of the other bands interest you?
I would, and I did Drawback was the Bella said, it was ridiculously low, that my mom helped me with bills at the time, since I was doing a job that we kind of felt like was an education. Some of the magic was lost for me while there, frankly, but since I've been a "civilian" once more, I've found that I can pull the veil right back down, and blissfully enjoy it for knowing where the backstage doors are
Otherwise I am really not a fan of Orlando...sorry to those of you who live there...the traffic and all the people is just too much for me.
I felt the same way the first time I lived here, and lived over in the Four Corners area at (what used to be) the western end of 192. Now that I'm removed from all the crazy, it's just like living anywhere else, and we quite like it. It would be nice if it were a leetle cooler, but there's always something you'd like to change about everyplace, yes?
Hmm... Yes, I would like to work in the College Program. However, the heat would get to me as well...
Viva La Quinta Brigada - y Disney!
Hmm... Yes, I would like to work in the College Program. However, the heat would get to me as well... What to do...?
Viva La Quinta Brigada - y Disney!
I've said it before, yes I would want to be a Photopass Photographer taking pictures as people come into the Magic Kingdom for the first time!
It's always been a lifelong dream for me to work at one of the resorts
I still hold out hope
I would love to work there when I retire from here ....maybe then my hubby can finally fullfill his dream of being a part of mulch sweat and shears...I think he will keep rockin til he's dead!!!
I haven't had the opportunity to see any of the other bands....the banjo player and pianist at Hoop-Dee-Doo review are amazingly talented. I spent the better part of 20 years playing in bars, and got tired of babysitting substance abusers and alcoholics in my I play guitar, bass, and drums at church..and teach guitar part time....all of which is rewarding.
"Mulch, Sweat, and Shears" has a really unique thing going on.....for anyone who hasn't seen them yet...get on over to H'wood Studios and sit by the Fantasia Hat....they'll come by sooner or later!!!!
I haven't had the opportunity to see any of the other bands....the banjo player and pianist at Hoop-Dee-Doo review are amazingly talented. I spent the better part of 20 years playing in bars, and got tired of babysitting substance abusers and alcoholics in my I play guitar, bass, and drums at church..and teach guitar part time....all of which is rewarding.
"Mulch, Sweat, and Shears" has a really unique thing going on.....for anyone who hasn't seen them yet...get on over to H'wood Studios and sit by the Fantasia Hat....they'll come by sooner or later!!!!
they actually perform on the streets of America... We see them every year... They are our favorite and if I ever get around to it I'll post a video
I work at Disneyland in Ca....been there two years and its absolutely one of the BEST companies to work most definitely takes the magic out of it...I rarely go into the park these days simply because at the end of the just dont want to deal with people anymore...(except for the few absolutely adorable kids that remind me everyday that I love my job!)
...i think we all know how I feel about this since I'm applying to go back this May! I did my College Program there and honestly, the College Program isn't as fun because you are the lowest of the low. you get paid the least to work the worst & longest shifts. But as much as I disliked it, I loved it.
and that makes no sense, but ever since I've been back in NC I'm longing to go back and have a real job with growth potential. people always say they don't know how I can take the heat, but honestly, the heat in NC is just as bad, and no afternoon storms to cool down! It didn't really ruin the magic for me by working there, and I still went to the parks almost every week.
...i think we all know how I feel about this since I'm applying to go back this May!I did my College Program there and honestly, the College Program isn't as fun because you are the lowest of the low. you get paid the least to work the worst & longest shifts. But as much as I disliked it, I loved it.
and that makes no sense, but ever since I've been back in NC I'm longing to go back and have a real job with growth potential. people always say they don't know how I can take the heat, but honestly, the heat in NC is just as bad, and no afternoon storms to cool down! It didn't really ruin the magic for me by working there, and I still went to the parks almost every week.
I'm glad to hear you say all of that Jessi. I can never understand why some people complain about there job day in and day out, and keep doing it! I think you should like your job or get another one. I tell people that all the time were I work. I could work at disney in a minute and I dont think it would ever lose the magic, as long as I was doing something I liked to do. And since the job I have now is "dealing with the public", i think I may fit right into the customer service department, what do you think VL?
I work at Disneyland in Ca....been there two years and its absolutely one of the BEST companies to work most definitely takes the magic out of it...I rarely go into the park these days simply because at the end of the just dont want to deal with people anymore...(except for the few absolutely adorable kids that remind me everyday that I love my job!)
I don't work there and I still get tired of the people!
You guys have great patience though! Do you have any good visitor stories? (Adorable or otherwise)
Ryry991 wrote:I work at Disneyland in Ca....been there two years and its absolutely one of the BEST companies to work most definitely takes the magic out of it...I rarely go into the park these days simply because at the end of the just dont want to deal with people anymore...(except for the few absolutely adorable kids that remind me everyday that I love my job!)I don't work there and I still get tired of the people!
You guys have great patience though! Do you have any good visitor stories? (Adorable or otherwise)
Ive got a ton! My favorite one though is when I was working on Main St on the Horse Drawn Streetcars...This little boy who was probably 2 or 3 road a few round trips with us and just loved the horse. I spent most of the time chatting to him about the horse and Disney and general. When he finally got off the trolley he whispered in his dads ear. His dad turned to me and said the little boy wanted to give me a hug. So I knelt down to give him a hug...he wrapped his little arms around my neck then all of a sudden kissed my cheek and said thanks for letting him ride with us. It was the most adorable thing ever!!
That memory has helped keep me sane many a nights!
Guests always say we make their trip so special, but it's the guest who are truly amazing!
Jessi5989 wrote:...i think we all know how I feel about this since I'm applying to go back this May!I did my College Program there and honestly, the College Program isn't as fun because you are the lowest of the low. you get paid the least to work the worst & longest shifts. But as much as I disliked it, I loved it.
and that makes no sense, but ever since I've been back in NC I'm longing to go back and have a real job with growth potential. people always say they don't know how I can take the heat, but honestly, the heat in NC is just as bad, and no afternoon storms to cool down! It didn't really ruin the magic for me by working there, and I still went to the parks almost every week.
I'm glad to hear you say all of that Jessi. I can never understand why some people complain about there job day in and day out, and keep doing it! I think you should like your job or get another one. I tell people that all the time were I work. I could work at disney in a minute and I dont think it would ever lose the magic, as long as I was doing something I liked to do. And since the job I have now is "dealing with the public", i think I may fit right into the customer service department, what do you think VL?
You know mrhub I think you just might fit into the customer service dept and be darn good at it too, heaven knows that we both have enough experience working with "characters".
I keep telling Jess that we need to move to Orlando, me for health reasons, but told her I would want to work at Disney. Since she is a nurse... I told her she could be jealous of my job! Heh... but yeah... id love to work there.
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She could work in one of the Florida hospital first aid stations! They're staffed by nurses. I bet that's an awesome job. I wonder how in the world you go about getting it?