Disney Executive Al Weiss To Retire

Al Weiss, the president of worldwide operations for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, will be retiring from that role immediately after thirty-nine years of service. The decision was annouced through a letter distributed to Disney employees yesterday afternoon.

Weiss was eigtheen years old when he began his career with Disney as a worker in the Magic Kingdom. Over the years, he's held more than twenty jobs with the company including finance manager and vice president of resort operations support. He also served as president of Disney world from 1994 - 2005.

In addition to his work with Disney, Weiss also has kept active in the central Florida community. Currently, he can be found on the board of directors for the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute as well as involved in Vision360, the program he helped co-found that builds Christian churches.

In his letter of resignation, Weiss had this to say: "While I will miss the great people, exciting projects and stellar vision of Disney, I am very excited to begin the next chapter of my life. I will not miss my weekly Monday morning commute to California, but I will look forward to spending time with family, grandchildren and friends and traveling this great big world in which we live."

Though he stepped down from his executive position effective yesterday, Weiss will still remain with Disney and will work with Disney Parks Chairman Tom Staggs until November 1, 2011.


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