Walt Disney World For Grown-ups is a website and forum focused on Walt Disney World and created for people who enjoy spending time there both with and without kids. Walt Disney World For Grown-ups reserves the right to ban users or otherwise mitigate forum use of users who do not abide by the following rules.
All messages posted are property of Walt Disney World For Grown-ups. Walt Disney World For Grown-ups reserves the right to modify and/or delete any post as necessary, for any reason, and without notification or explanation to the poster.
Each member is limited to one account and one username. Impersonating other members is not allowed. Name changes are not encouraged on WDWFG. To request a change in user name for *security reasons only* please send a direct message to Admin.
You must be registered under a valid email account, which you check regularly, at all times during membership.
Do not advertise any products, services, websites, or mailing lists from which you stand to gain personally.
Illegal posting of copyrighted material and/or photographs is not allowed.
Use of profane language or posting of pornographic material is not allowed.
Walt Disney World For Grown-ups is a community board that promotes a supportive atmosphere. Users who are abusive, aggressive, or who engage in personal attacks against other members will be banned.
Posts created for self-promotion, to artificially inflate post count, or that are deemed off-topic are grounds for banning.
Post on-topic comments and questions in the correct forums and categories.
Please post using correct grammar and spelling, avoiding common abbreviations (e.g. âcuzâ for âbecauseâ).
Do not create posts that violate standing laws, including posts that violate agreements around copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, or Non-Disclosure Agreements.
Do not create posts that include mention of illegal activity.
Do not create posts promoting fundraisers, or asking for support or funding for nonprofit or for-profit endeavors, before getting permission from an administrator or moderator.
By posting on Walt Disney World For Grown-ups, you agree to all of the above rules and regulations.