Hello Everyone,
I can write a great police report however the thought of writing a trip report kind of baffles me. Don't get me wrong I enjoy reading them and as for Mase, Jess, MrHub, and Scrappy's videos I thought those were fantastic
Ok here we go...
I've got a solo trip planned Dec. 13-15th initially DW and DNiece (age 12) were supposed to come down early before our cruise. Well DW teaches 3rd grade and her school calendar did not match up. So they will be coming down on Saturday the day of the cruise departure. I'll attempt to use their FP+ activities on the 13th and 14th
Leaving CLE at 0900 arriving at MCO around 1130, taking DME to AoA. I'm staying in the LM section and will try and stay in the 9000 building. Thanks to Kristen K. For the heads up on which building to choose from
I'm one of the many who will be testing the FastPass+ system. I'll head to MK once I get settled in and see how that works. I'll try and post some info once I use it. Later in the evening I'm meeting up with TTFN_71 and LUVALLDISNEY for a meet n greet at MVMCP and perhaps ice cream before. This will be my first time at WDW for Christmas, I'm going to wait to check out the resorts until after our cruise when DW and DN will be able to experience it too. I plan on eating in the food court at AoA for lunch then grabbing something in the parks for dinner.
I'll test the FP+ system at DHS my scheduled times will have me finished with the major rides by 2:45. I'll grab a drink at the 50's PTC then head either back to the room or directly over to MK for a second round of MVMCP
It'll probably be an early night simply because I need to repack for the cruise.
Hopefully I'll catch an early bus on DME back to MCO to meet DW and DN. I'll meet them at DME around 1030 and we'll head to Port Canaveral for our 8 day cruise on the Fantasy. I have no idea what our daily agenda will look like once we're onboard. It'll be my niece's first cruise. She worked really hard and I gave her an amount that she had to pay so that she understood what it was like to earn her cruise. She kept up with her grades and worked really hard to come up with her money. By doing her chores, saving her allowance and birthday/Xmas money. I'm really proud of her because she put in the effort and made some hard choices on how she wanted to spend her money over this last year. That's not really TR worthy but she deserves some praise. Her parents don't have a lot and DW and I have taken her with us on WDW trips because she really is an awesome kid and we want to open up her world to new adventures
Onboard the Fantasy for a fabulous cruise
We will be snorkeling in St. Thomas, doing an Old Town /Bacardi tour in San Juan, and snorkeling, biking, and floating on CC. We will also participate in an FE gift exchange (60 cabins)
and we have a Secret Mickey family that we'll exchange gifts with while onboard.
All three of us will return to WDW staying at the AoA LM section DN is staying through the 23rd. We bought her park hopper tickets so she could enjoy the parks. We'll be at MK for dinner at CP and then probably DHS to see the Osborne lights. DN hasn't been back to WDW since 2008, this will be her first time for Xmas. Actually all of our first time for Xmas
DN leaves today, she has a late flight so she can get some park time (her choice) and or Big Blue Pool time. After we get DN to the airport. DW and I have dinner ressies at the CA Grill....spicy Kazan roll
EPCOT day, it's DW's favorite park. Then dinner at Sanaa
12/25/12 Merry Christmas!
Dinner at Liberty Tree for a traditional Xmas dinner.
Relaxing day. We have an ADR at The Wave restaurant. Our first time there.
Departure day we leave late so will probably visit a park or shop in DTD
Thanks for reading. This will probably be my first and last TR lol
Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.