On Friday I'm headed down for the 10th annual runDisney Princess Half Marathon at Walt Disney World Resort, sponsored by Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. More than 50,000 of my closest friends and I will don our tutus and tiaras to walk and run in the events at the largest women-focused running event in the nation.
The 10th Anniversary Princess Half Marathon
The multi-day event kicks off on Thursday, February 22nd and features a spectacular women's Health and Fitness Expo, Kids races, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, the 19.3 mile 2 day Fairytale Challenge. Sunday the penultimate event of the series takes place with half marathoners taking off at 5:30 in the morning for an early run from Epcot to through the Magic Kingdom, and then back again before crossing the finish line after 13.1 miles.
2018 Princess Weekend Race Medals
If you'll be at Walt Disney World this weekend be sure to get out and cheer for the intrepid women and men (Princes run too!) that will be pounding the pavement for a magical journey to achieved a myriad of personal health and fitness goals.
You Can Watch The Half Marathon Sunday, February 26th, 2018 At The Following Points:
To increase the possibility of seeing your friends and family during the run, be aware of their pace, expected time at each mile marker, and their anticipated finish time. Allow yourself as much time as possible ex for transportation to viewing areas, and expect roadway closures associated with the races.
Cheer For Your Friends At These Spectator Viewpoints
For more information on the many wonderful runDisney events, and the Princess in particular, visit the official runDisney website https://www.rundisney.com/princess-half-marathon/
Will you be participating in this weekend's festivities? Leave a comment and let me know, or if you see me be sure to say hello!
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