Buzz Price Honored with a Window on Main Street, U.S.A in Disneyland

Earlier this week, Harrison "Buzz" Price received what Tom Staggs, Chairman of the Walt Disney Parks & Resorts calls "the highest honor from Disney Parks and Resorts" - a window on Main Street, U.S.A. in Disneyland.

Buzz Price was instrumental in finding the location in 1953 for what would become Disneyland, and later helped find the Central Florida location for the Walt Disney World Resort. He also worked on site selection for Tokyo Disneyland. In all, Buzz worked on more than 150 project studies for The Walt Disney Company, but was never officially a Disney employee.

Buzz played a role in virtually every project that has made Disney Parks an iconic institution, said Staggs.

In 1994 Buzz received a lifetime achievement award from the Themed Entertainment Association. Later that award would be renamed the "The Buzz Price Thea Award." In 2003, Buzz's autobiography Walt's Revolution! By the Numbers was published, detailing the strategic planning of Walt and Roy Disney and the impact they had in the world of attractions. Buzz was also named a Disney Legend that same year.

This week's dedication ceremony was hosted by Tom Staggs and Michael Colglazier (President, Disneyland Resort). Also in attendance were members of Price's family, friends, and other Disney Legends.

Story by Traci C., Source

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