Celebration Woman Holds Guinness World Record for Mickey Mouse Memorabilia

A Celebration, Florida, woman is the holder of the Guinness World Record for Mickey Mouse Memorabilia with over 4,000 items of the iconic mouse. And you thought you were a Disney fanatic!

Janet Esteves, 57, first nabbed the record in 2006; at that time, she had over 2,100 Mickey items. Now, her record-holding collection weighs in at 4,127 items - and Esteves believes she has at least 2,000 more items yet to be cataloged and counted.

Where does Esteves keep her collection? In the 1900-square-foot Celebration, Florida, condo she and her husband now call home (it was their vacation home until the couple relocated there in 2005). The condo has many of the items on display, with other Mickey items packed away in the garage. Only the couple's master bedroom and Mr. Esteves' office are off-limits for Mickey Mouse memorabilia. On a side note, the office is a spot for Mr. Esteves' "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" memorabilia.

Next up for Mrs. Esteves? Creating a photo album featuring her and Mickey Mouse (in each of his 200 outfits) on Disney property and cruise ships.


MrHub wrote on Wed, 09/26/2012 - 08:24:

MrHub's picture

Thats alot of Mickey!

MIhW wrote on Wed, 09/26/2012 - 19:33:

MIhW's picture

RESPECT! I am very impressed! I love The Mouse.

Kristen K. wrote on Wed, 09/26/2012 - 19:57:

Kristen K.'s picture

Wow! Those are some serious souvenirs!

JeffC wrote on Sat, 09/29/2012 - 05:10:

OMG how awesome! Here's a link to a video of her collection:


I showed this to Joe in an attempt to convince him I am quite normal and that tings could be *alot* worse. I'm not so sure I swayed him much....

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