Ahoy matey! All you landlubbers best be brushing up on your pirate skills! You'll need them when A Pirate's Adventure: Treasures of the Seven Seas opens this Summer at the Magic Kingdom.
This new interactive game takes guests on a quest to save Adventureland, all while locating the Treasures of the Seven Seas and fighting off enemies.
A Pirate Quest Through Adventureland
Park guests are the new pirate recruits in the adventure and are armed with magic talismans and treasure maps. Each of the five pirate raids has its own treasure map. Throughout the pirate raids, the new recruits use the maps and the talisman to complete the raids " with the help of Captain Jack Sparrow's magic compass. Remember: Captain Jack's compass leads you to the thing you want most!
Along the way the pirate recruits might run into a panther spirit with mystic powers, have a chance to fire a cannon to open a magic treasure chest, and even open a shell that contains a magical pearl!
But beware me hearties! There be danger in these adventures! The pirate recruits will also have to fight off enemies like the Royal Navy, Captain Barbossa and other pirate meanies. If the recruits succeed in the missions they will earn a spot on Captain Jack's crew. But if they fail, they might be put out to sea...alone!
A Pirate's Adventure: Treasure of the Seven Seas is scheduled to open this summer and is included in your admission to the Magic Kingdom. Pirates of all ages can participate. Check out this sneak peek video from Disney Imagineering.
Who's ready to join this pirate adventure? Leave a Comment and Let us know what you're most looking forward to!
Story by Traci C., Source
JeffC wrote on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 03:51:
I want the pirate maps for my pirates collection!! Ha.
Wonder what the time commitment will be for this compared to the Sorcerer game.
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