Disney's Vero Beach Resort recently celebrated the eighth annual Tour de Turtles. This migration marathon helps promote conservation awareness and gives researches a better understanding of sea turtle habits.
Turtle heading back to sea during Tour de Turtles
Guests and cast members at the Vero Beach Resort were able to cheer on two loggerhead turtles as they returned to sea.
The turtles, Tinker Bell and Marina, were both fitted with secured satellite transmitters that will allow researchers from the Sea Turtle Conservancy and Disney's Animal Programs to track their migratory patterns. The research gathered will help protect the turtles.
The turtle "competitors" in the Tour de Turtles are swimming to raise awareness for specific threats affecting sea turtles. Tinker Bell is raising awareness about light pollution on beaches where sea turtles nest, and Marina is raising awareness about plastic debris in the ocean.
If you want to track the migration of Tinker Bell and Marina you can follow their progress at the Tour de Turtles site. You can watch more about the Tour de Turtles here.
Leave us a comment and let us know what you think about this sea turtle research.
Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 08/13/2015 - 00:47:
I love this event! One of these days I'll be at Vero Beach for the launch.
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