If you have plans to sail on a Disney Cruise Line ship after September 30 there's a new alcohol policy that limits how much guests can bring on the ships. Under the new policy guests are allowed a maximum or two bottles of unopened wine or champagne or six beers.
Disney Cruise Line changes alcohol policy
This policy applies to embarkation day at Port Canaveral and at ports-of-call during the sailing. All beverages must be packed in carry-on bags or carry-on luggage, not checked luggage.
Guests are prohibited from bringing liquors or spirits onboard Disney Cruise Line ships. The previous alcohol policy allowed guests to bring beer and liquor on board provided they carried it on.
Any liquor, spirits, or over-the-allowed-limit wine, champagne, or beer will be stored until the end of the cruise. Guests who pack alcohol in their checked luggage will also have that alcohol removed and stored until the end of the cruise.
The new policy is in line with other cruise lines. Last month Carnival Cruise Line prohibited passengers from bringing bottled water, pop, or other non-alcoholic beverages onboard.
This new Disney Cruise Line policy begins on cruises that sail September 30 and after.
What do you think about the new Disney Cruise Line alcohol policy? Leave us a comment and let us know.
truthh wrote on Wed, 08/19/2015 - 17:50:
bullshit policy!what a horrible cruise line, im cancelling all of our trips
Lisa wrote on Wed, 08/19/2015 - 20:58:
Is this per adult guest or per cabin. Example: husband 6 beers, me wine?
Sally Ann Rex wrote on Wed, 08/19/2015 - 21:44:
This is GREED on their part.
Alicia wrote on Wed, 08/19/2015 - 22:37:
Very disappointed I've sailed 5 cruises and i enjoyed having the freedom of bringing my bottle of rum. Yes one bottle that we never finished. Also i still bought drinks in the clubs and at dinner. I've never seen a Disney cruise being a drunk fest. In fact i was willing to pay the extra for little in far for things like this. Very sad
Michelle wrote on Wed, 08/19/2015 - 23:47:
With all these new restrictions then they should allow guest to pay an extra $100 or a little more depending on the length of the cruise and have an alcohol pass(all inclusive) paid for a customer. If they get out of hand it can get revoked. With this new policy doesn't make me want to take a cruise. Which we were going to be looking into since our boys are at the age where I think they would enjoy it and we as parents would enjoy it. I have heard that the drinks prices are outrageous on trips and if you can't bring your own that is just ridiculous.
Tonya wrote on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 00:54:
I think of DCL wants to be in line with other cruise lines, they need to (drastically) reduce their prices. The old policy was what helped sell us. We have had equally comparable service, if not better, on Carnival, and will choose them over DCL now. So long, overpriced DCL!
Dan Roskom wrote on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 01:29:
It's obviously better than the other cruise lines, but still not right. Guests should be allowed to bring more than this. Obviously, there is a limit on how much one can carry. That should be the allowed limit.
Bob wrote on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 02:49:
That was the only reason I chose Disney Cruises. If I can't bring my own liquor, I don't need to go on cruises anymore. Road trips it is. Good bye Disney Cruise Lines.
Linda wrote on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 02:53:
That is one of the reasons that we choose DCL- not a good move on their part!
BarbC wrote on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 05:19:
I don't see any problem with this. It won't affect my cruising at all. If people are upset - how much drinking do they plan on doing? They are also allowed to get that same amount allowed at each port they go to so depending on how many ports you stop at, you can still get bottles - you can't bring your opened bottle or glasses to dinner or bars. Drinking is still allowed - you just can't bring your own. No problem for us.
Tog wrote on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 10:45:
Alcohol and a family holiday are always a bad mix.
Sober wrote on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 16:11:
Who thinks of drinking alcohol on any Disney property...whether on land or sea? When I think of Disney, I think of Walts original concept of a family-friendly environment.. I've done cruises where obnoxious drinkers ruin it for everyone. Stay home. Disney should ban alcohol completely. I'm sure people can go without drinking for a few days. And there's so much to do on a DCL that I can imagine anyone wanting to drink alcohol. I definitely don't want to see people drinking in the Parks. Signed by A True Disney Fan.
bjones82 wrote on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 20:48:
Are people on here serious about being mad about this? Is it sad we can't bring alcohol on their cruise? Yes... But was anyone seriously paying the difference in price just because of this one policy? If yes, maybe your decision making skills aren't the best...
Over all this doesn't bug us much and we will still be booking our first cruise for fall of next year...
Nickalex77 wrote on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 22:30:
Thanks to the goody-two-shoes contingent for chiming in, where would we moderate alcohol consumers be without you telling us how much and when to consume alcohol. Anyway, since this is a website for grownups, I'll address the actual issue and say that I'm disappointed at this obvious cash grab. Parents get a chance to relax at a place where they don't have to worry about driving, pay a premium price for it, and now get another perk taken away. I didn't really bring much in the past anyway, but no liquor at all? Why not? Because they can charge $7-$10 per ounce of it, That's why. This is not a safety issue, it's a money issue. "To be in line with other cruise lines" they say. Well, I'll "be in line" to get on another cruise line myself, my kids will still have a great time, and we'll save hundreds of dollars.
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