Disney Donates $2.5 Million to Red Cross

As all eyes continue to watch Japan in the aftermath of last week's devestating earthquake and tsunami, the Walt Disney Company is making a $2.5 million contribution to the Red Cross to aid efforts in that country. Disney also has set up a charitable giving program for all its employees and will match each dollar donated with a dollar up to an additional $1 million.

Disney has also announced that Tokyo Disney Resort will remain closed for the rest of this week due to ongoing safety inspections, and a decision regarding operations of that resort is to be made on March 21. While there is said to be minimal damage to the resort and its structures, transportation systems around Tokyo Disney Resort have sustained more substantial damage which Disney has said will be taken into account when making the decision of when to reopen.

On a positive note, all guests that were stranded initially in the resort due to disruption in transportation have been able to leave.


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