Disney Legal Forms Pro-Bono Team to Help Communities and Families

Disney's legal team recently formed a pro-bono group to help families and communities in Los Angeles.

The group has volunteered their time and expertise to help guide more than a dozen adoptions through the Los Angeles County court system.

The pro-bono team received training from Public Counsel, the nation's largest pro-bono law firm that is based in L.A. The training ensured that all members of the team were trained as they went into the adoption process with the families.

The volunteers helped four families finalize their adoptions last August. And then in November, the team helped 10 families finalize their adoptions on National Adoption Day (November 22). Disney Legal staff members also volunteered at the courthouse that day.

"I was incredibly proud to see so many smart and caring professionals from Disney's Legal department helping in every way possible," said Associate General Counsel Karen Frederiksen.

The L.A. pro-bono team has been so successful that similar projects are planned with Disney lawyers in New York and Orlando.


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