Disney Sponsored 2014 World Maker Faire in New York City

The 2014 World Maker Faire was held recently in New York City and for the third year in a row Disney sponsored the event.

More than 75,000 kids and families took part in the World Maker Faire New York. Disney teamed with the World Maker Faire and the New York Hall of Science to bring the event to life.

In the tent sponsored by Disney kids had a chance to interact with 3D printers and create miniature models of Baymax, the star of the upcoming Walt Disney Animation Studios' Big Hero 6.

The Faire also featured a Big Hero 6 XPRIZE Challenge where guests were able to submit their ideas for creating a brighter tomorrow.

Two of the companies from the Disney Accelerator Program, Sphero and Snowshoe, participated in the Maker Faire with digital exploration demonstrations. And everyone had a chance to play at the World Maker Faire KaBOOM! Imagination Playground.

The Maker Faire strives to bring DIY innovation and ingenuity into the mainstream.


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