Former Walt Disney Carolwood Estate Sells for $74 Million

The Carolwood Estate mansion, located on the property that Walt and Lillian Disney called home, has sold for $74 million.

When the estate was listed in 2012 the asking price was $90 million. Pro soccer team owner Gabriel Brener was the owner of the former Disney homestead.

The original home owned by Disney was torn down by Brener in order to build the current mansion in 2001. The 35,000 square foot home features eight bedrooms, 17 bathrooms, a custom movie room, three bars, a wine cellar, and a putting green.

Brener had purchased the original estate from the Lillian B. Disney Trust for $8.45 million. When Walt lived at the estate he built a one-eighth scale train named the Carolwood Pacific Railroad on the property.

The railroad featured a half mile track and a 90-foot underground tunnel still exists on the property in addition to the ivy covered miniature stone archway. The Carolwood Pacific train is on display at the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco.

Brener owns the Houston Dynamos soccer team and heads the Azteca Acquisition Corp.


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