It's Pollinator Day at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom is celebrating conservation events all year long! As a zoological park it is regularly engaged in ongoing research and conservation efforts involving its animal species. Today the folks in the Park are celebrating Pollinator Day! Guests who stop by Rakiki's Planet Watch can participate in Pollinator Day activities that include the opportunity to see two different types of bees and to learn how to create a pollinator garden at home.

Honey Harvester with Donald DuckCelebrate Pollinator Day with Spike the Bee
Disney's Worldwide Conservation Fund is a supporter of the Xerces Society and their efforts in invertebrate conservation. "Pollinators are essential to our environment. The ecological service they provide is necessary for the reproduction of nearly 70 percent of the world's flowering plants, including more than two-thirds of the world's crop species." Without pollinators we would have to say goodbye to a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, several cover crops, as well as many wildflowers. It would destabilize the food industry as we know it, from farmer to market, to table. Next time you enjoy a piece of fruit, or sample something naturally sweetened be sure to take a minute and think about the pollinators that make it happen.

I thought that we could join in the fun by watching the Classic Donald Duck short 'The Honey Harvester'. It seems that Spike the Bee thinks Donald's Greenhouse is a great place to collect his pollen! This fun short from Walt Disney Productions was actually directed by Disney Legend, Jack Hannah, and was originally released August 5, 1949. I hope that you enjoy it!

If you missed putting Pollinator day on your calendar, don't worry! Just buy a Conservation Button next time you're at any Animal Kingdom cash register to support all of their ongoing conservation efforts. In addition there are plenty more upcoming 2012 wildlife conservation events at Disney's Animal Kingdom to celebrate (as always, dates subject to change):

  • June 8th: World Oceans Day
  • August: Cotton-Top Tamarin Month
  • Sept. 5: International Vulture Awareness Day
  • Sept. 26: Elephant Awareness Day
  • Oct. 31: Bat Day

How will you celebrate Pollinator Day? Leave me a comment with your sweet ideas!


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