L’Artisan des Glaces: Artisan Ice Cream Coming to Epcot

The Disney Food Blog is reporting on another intriguing new eatery to be located in Epcot. Paris in the summer is oh so chic, but it's made even cooler by the opening of L'Artisan des Glaces in the France Pavilion. The stylish new "artisan ice cream and sorbet shop" will feature 16 luscious flavors to be made from fresh ingredients right in the shop.

Set to open it's doors in mid-June L'Artisan des Glaces rounds out the delicious new line up of French eateries to tempt your palate. You can even order the creamy sweet treats with a shot of liquor of poured over the top, so be sure to add it to you "Drinking Around the World" plans.

If you haven't stopped by lately, get ready for more fresh, fabulous, authentic flavors from the France Pavilion new comers Les Halles Bakery and Monsieur Paul Restaurant as well!


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