Well, if you've got a lot of Disney Gift Cards laying around or connected on the Disney Gift Card website, there are some important changes coming soon that you need to know about. You are going to want to gather up your gift cards and log into the website before DisneyGiftCard.com gets updated.
Make Sure You're Prepared For Changes To The Disney Gift Card Website
Coming on January 20th, 2021, the Disney Gift Card website (DisneyGiftCard.com) is being upgraded. Once the updates is live, you'll be able to use your existing Disney account to log in, using the same information you use to log in to multiple Disney websites including shopDisney, My Disney Experience, and more. Overall this is a change that will benefit guests but there are a couple of hoops that you may need to jump through to be assured you have full access to your funds.
Because of this upgrade, however, all existing DisneyGiftCard.com account details (logins and gift cards added) will no longer be available after January 19, 2021. Any Disney Gift Cards you have saved to the existing website will NOT transfer over to the new one. Instead, all current account information will be deleted and won't be available. You'll need access to your Disney Gift Cards, including the full 16-digit account number and EAN to add your cards to the updated website once the change occurs.
Everyone Loves A Disney Gift Card
The balance on your gift cards won't change due to these updates, however a DisneyGiftCard.com account is not a mobile wallet and the information about your gift cards that you had stored on the website will be deleted.
It's worth noting here that when using Disney Gift Cards you should always keep both physical and digital Disney Gift Cards with you, as they are required to make a purchase.
The Balance On Your Gift Cards Won't Change
Be prepared for DisneyGiftCard.scom changes by following these steps:
Yes, it's a little bit of a rigmarole to go through, however in the long run an easier connection of your gift cards to your MyDisneyExperience will probably allow you easier access to spending money on your Walt Disney World Vacation.
What do you think about the upcoming changes to Disney Gift Cards? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with me.
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