The newest live stage show at the Magic Kingdom is set to debut on June 17 at Cinderella Castle Forecourt Stage. Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire stars Mickey Mouse, his "troupe of Merry Makers," and friends from other lands.
Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire debuts June 17
In the show Mickey and his friends travel to distant lands to invite their friends to Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire. Goofy travels to the Land of the Bewitching Bayous to invite Tiana, Naveen, and Louis to the party, while Donald and Daisy travel to the Land of the Enchanted Woods and find Rapunzel and Flynn Rider at the Snuggly Duckling.
The show includes original songs, dancing, music, "delightful" costumes, and special effects.
Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire marks the first time that Princess Tiana and Rapunzel have starred in a live show at the Magic Kingdom. Characters from Frozen are also part of the show.
Are you looking forward to checking out Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire at the Magic Kingdom? Let us know in the comments.
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