Movie Buzz: "Lone Ranger," "Thor 2," and "Phineas and Ferb"

Disney has been doing some rearranging of release dates for future movies, and here's the inside scoop on what's coming up and when.

First off, the release date for "Thor 2" was pushed back from July 26, 2013 to November 15, 2013. This, in turn, makes way for Disney's "Phineas and Ferb" movie to hit the big screen on the original "Thor" date of July 26, 2013.

Next, the "will it be made or not?" question posed for the past few months by "The Lone Ranger" has been answered. Word is, the Johnny Depp film has received an official release date of May 31, 2013. You may recall, earlier this year Disney had stopped production on the Western, citing budget differences. Then, last month, it seemed the production was back up and running. Now, the word looks official that the movie will be made and released during the early summer of 2013.


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