runDisney Virtual Shorts Are Great For New Runners

We've been talking about runDisney on WDW for Grown-ups for a while now. You know the story - runners and walkers from around the world head to Disney for a weekend to attend a fantastic health expo, run through the Parks with a couple thousand of their closest friends. Along the way they get unique perspectives on the property, gather character pictures, and ultimately take home some truly fabulous finishers medals at the end. runDisney events are the sort of thing that get people up off the couch, and working towards a healthier lifestyle. But choosing to run - it isn't easy for everyone, I get it. If you're looking for a little runDisney motivation without the huge commitment that a race weekend can take runDisney Virtual Running Shorts may be just the thing to get you lacing up and hitting the trail.

runDisney Virtual Shorts Are A Great Way To Get Fit!runDisney Virtual Shorts Are A Great Way To Get Fit!

This is the second year that runDisney is sponsoring a series of Virtual 5K Races over the summer. The concept of a virtual race is a sort of self-motivated competition that is put on by an organization, in this case runDisney. The challenge is set out to complete a certain distance by a specific time, but each runner gets to choose how they complete that race.

You can run this runDisney event anywhere, any time within the designated dates, at any pace that you want. Any pace you want... did you hear that newbies? My penguin squad, turtle pals, those at the back of the pack right along side ME. Virtual runs can be completed on a treadmill, at the beach, with friends, alone, in the evening, or at the break of dawn, it's all your choice. It's your race - and the perfect motivation to help create a healthier new you.

They Did It Together! #runDisneyShortsThey Did It Together! #runDisneyShorts
Good Job Kita! Hope You Had A Great Nap. #runDisneyShortsGood Job Kita! Hope You Had A Great Nap. #runDisneyShorts

The first step to your first (or continuing) runDisney experience starts at where participants go to register for the races of your choice! Registration is still open for the July 5K, August 5K, and 3 5K Virtual Event Series.

Participants Receive

  • Commemorative Finishers Medal
  • Downloadable Digital Race Bib
  • Finisher Site with Downloadable Certificate
  • Series Participants Receive a Pluto Series Finisher Medal In Addition To Each 5K Medal. That's a total of 4 bright and shiny new bling things for your wall!

Participants are encouraged to share their achievements using #runDisneyShorts on Social Media. The only thing that will stop you from finishing this race is you, so if you're thinking that runDisney might be something you enjoy you should get up, get out, and go for it. Let Disney be your motivation - after all every mile is magic!

You Are On Your Way Miss Meghan! #runDisneyShortsYou Are On Your Way Miss Meghan! #runDisneyShorts
Thumbs up for Jason! #runDisneyShortsThumbs up for Jason! #runDisneyShorts

It's not too late to participate in the runDisney Virtual Running Shorts this year - registration is still available for July and August races, as well as for the series of races. All you need to do is head over to and sign up.

Go on! Go now! I believe in you. Virtual Running Shorts

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