Security Increased At Disney Fantasy Shipyard Following Damage To Ship

Disney Fantasy, the newest Disney Cruise Ship currently under construction in a Germany shipyard, sustained water damage earlier this month. Now, Meyer Werft has boosted its security for the yard.

A mysterious water valve leak aboard the Fantasy caused water damage on the ship sometime in early December. While early reports out of Germany had the damage estimated at over $1 million, Disney has called that figure an exaggeration. According to Disney spokeswoman Rebecca Peddle, "There was some water damage that resulted in them having to replace some carpeting. It was not significant."

At this point, German media is claiming vandals had a hand in the damage and opened the water valves on the ship. Disney is staying mum on that subject. "We don't know if it was vandalism or not," Peddle says.

Whatever damage was done to the Fantasy, it is already repaired and will not hamper the fast-approaching float-out on January 7, delivery in February and debut from Florida in March.


JeffC wrote on Sat, 12/31/2011 - 02:31:

Too bad about the (possible) vandalism. But so glad they are still intending to be on target with the float out and launch.

Can you believe it's a little over a week away!??!

I also think it would be awesome to be able to see inside the ship building area and watch it being built first-hand.

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