Thirty Disney VoluntEARS to Participate in Disney’s First-Ever Global Service Project

For the last three decades, Disney's VoluntEARS have been giving their time to benefit local communities and part of the 30th anniversary celebration of the program, 30 Disney employees are prepping for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

The employees are headed to Ecuador for Disney's first Global Service Project. While in Ecuador the VoluntEARS will help build a classroom and improve access to education for students.

In all, 10 countries will be represented during the project including the United Kingdom, India, Japan, and Argentina.

The VoluntEARS program started in 1983 at the Disneyland Resort and became a company-wide program in the 1990s. The VoluntEARS program is a global, company-wide initiative that provides Cast Members with the chance to contribute their time and make a positive impact on their community.


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