Are you headed out on a Walt Disney World Vacation this summer? If so there are a few things to keep in mind to keep your vacation pictures looking brilliant and fun even if you're battling the heat and crowds. Here are a few tips for you to capture your vacation, while still enjoying all that Walt Disney World has to offer.
Have a Plan
Before you go, get an idea of what you want to capture most. Are you looking for the perfect castle shot? Do you want to create great photo stories for each of Epcot's pavilions? Or are you bound and determined to finally have that family portrait? Creating a plan before you go will help to make sure you come home with the shots you want most, without boring your family while you shoot.
Beautiful France Pavilion
Travel Light
Keep your camera equipment minimal if you're out in the heat. Limit yourself to a point and shoot or just one or two lenses. Lugging around heavy equipment will soon take its toll on you in humid 90 degree weather. If you do want to bring a full compliment of gear to the Park, consider renting a locker to put the bulk of it in while you're touring.
Get In On The Details
Get creative and be sure to capture the fun of summer! Little details can make all the difference when creating a photo story and you want to make your summer pictures stand out from the ones you took last winter. Capture pictures of colorful bright flowers, beaches, splashes in pools filled with cool blue water, ice cream, and frosty cold beverages bring the details together. Don't be afraid to get in close and change up your angle for a stunning editorial shot.
Moderate Pool: Coronado Springs Feature Pool
Avoid Overexposure
The Florida sun may be why you chose to head to Walt Disney World, but that mid-day exposure is harsh and doesn't make for the best lighting. Do your best to get your pictures taken earlier or later in the day. For brilliant blue skies and sharp landmarks, be sure to keep the sun behind you or off to the side. However, if you're shooting a portrait, remember that no one looks good squinting. Though transitional times of weather (afternoon thunderstorms anyone?) can make for some spectacular lighting be sure to protect your gear from the elements as much as possible.
Do you have any tips for shooting all the fun of Summer? Leave a comment and let us know your favorite ways to capture the spirit of the season.
JeffC wrote on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 18:39:
Great tips!
I don't have a tip to share, but I had a horrible time in Septebmer of 2009 with the weather and my camera/pictures. It was super hot and humid outside, and some of the restaurants were super-cold inside (probably to keep people from lingering too long out of the heat!).
So when we went from inside to outside, my poor digital camera would just fog up from the sudden heat and humidity for quite some time. I have some very unusual pictures from all that!
Wondering if anyone has any suggestions on moving from such extremes and keeping your camera functioning.
Kristen K. wrote on Fri, 05/24/2013 - 13:15:
Jeff, I haven't tried it myself yet but I've heard that if you put the camera in a plastic bag while inside and keep it in there until the camera warms up to the outside it can help. Another tip is that if you can put a UV filter on inside, when you go outside the UV filter will fog up instead of the lens, then once the camera has warmed up again you can remove the UV filter. It's a super tricky problem, especially at Disney wear folks go in and out of the a/c so often.
JeffC wrote on Fri, 05/24/2013 - 16:59:
Thanks Kristen! I've always been wondering what to do with that UV filter that came with the camera - now I know! I'll try that trick and the plastic bag and see how they work. wrote on Wed, 09/25/2013 - 19:34:
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