Vision House To Open In Epcot This Spring

Innoventions in Epcot will be the site of yet another new exhibit as the new Vision House is set to open this spring. Disney Imaginnering has teamed with Green Builder Media to bring guests a glimpse at a home that is enviornmentally friendly as well as on the cutting edge of technology.

The Vision House will highlight such themes as energy efficiency, water conservation, home automation, security and multi-generational durability. Throughout the exhibit, guests can pick up pointers on how to minimize their own personal environmental footprint as well as things they can do today to make their own homes safer, healthier and more durable.

Look for the Vision House's opening to happen sometime around Earth Day.


Heather.P wrote on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 15:45:

I don't think that there are going to be many people who will be surprised by this addition to Disney's EPCOT Center. There is a lot that they do to draw in the crowds so the success of this prototype home will be interesting to follow.


Disney will do whatever it takes to be politically correct because that is where the money is for a player so they will always do well.

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