The Walt Disney Company Pledges $1 Million to Hurricane Harvey Relief

The Walt Disney Company and its Houston affiliate KTRK have pledged $1 million each to the American Red Cross for its Hurricane Harvey relief efforts in the wake of the devastation and catastrophic flooding in Houston and other areas in Texas. Harvey came ashore last Friday as a category 4 hurricane and has dumped more than 40 inches of rain on Houston and surrounding areas.

The Walt Disney Company pledges $1 million to Hurricane Harvey reliefThe Walt Disney Company pledges $1 million to Hurricane Harvey relief

"Our hearts go out to everyone in the devastating path of this historic storm," said Robert A. Iger, chairman and chief executive officer, The Walt Disney Company. Iger added the the disaster isn't over yet and the Company is using its "unique resources unique resources and reach to help those in need."

Thursday, August 31, has also been designated as a "Day of Giving" on ABC stations including local affiliates. The call-to-action to donate will begin on local morning new and continue on Good Morning America and then on ABC stations and Freeform throughout the day. Viewers can donate to the American Red Cross.

Disney employee donations will be matched dollar for dollar dollar for dollar by Disney Employee Matching Gifts: A Program of The Walt Disney Company Foundation.

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