Walt Disney World Cast Members Participate in Fourth Annual Holiday Bird Count

Walt Disney World cast members and their families recently had a chance to take part in the 4th Annual Walt Disney World Resort Holiday Bird Count guided by Disney's Animal Program experts.

During the bird count more than 24,000 birds representing 119 species were counted at the Walt Disney World Resort and surrounding areas. This number set a new record for the most birds and species observed in the last four years.

New species that were counted this year included black-bellied whistling ducks, common goldeneye, ruddy duck, field sparrow, and the painted bunting.

For the first time ever guests had a chance to join in the bird count during Magical Moments. Guest at Disney's Pop Century Resort and Art of Animation Resort had a chance to count hooded mergansers in a pond between the resorts, in addition to blue herons, tri-colored herons, snowy egrets, and more.

Disney's Holiday Bird Count was modeled after the Audubon Christmas Bird Count which started in 1900. The data collected allows scientists to follow trends in bird population over time.


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