Walt Disney World Resort Launches All-New Twitter Account to Assist Guests

Guests visiting the Walt Disney World Resort have another tool at their fingertips to help them out in the theme parks. The newly-launched Twitter account @WDWToday is similar to the @DisneylandToday account and is designed to help guests in the parks.

Walt Disney World Resort launches new Twitter accountWalt Disney World Resort launches new Twitter account

Disney officially announced the new Twitter account at the end of August and the description of the account is for guests to "engage with our Guest Services Cast Members during your visit."

Guests can tweet @WDWToday with questions about attractions, parade times, and just about anything else related to their Walt Disney World Resort vacation. The account is also tweeting about park hours, history, and trivia to engage guests who might not be in the parks.

The new Twitter account joins the My Disney Experience app as another tool guests can access on their mobile devices while at the Disney Parks.

Will you reach out to @WDWToday via Twitter when you're at Walt Disney World Resort? Let us know in the comments.


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