Walt Disney World Resort Receives ‘Corporate Ally of the Year’ Award

The Walt Disney World Resort was honored with the Corporate Ally of the Year at the Pride in Business Awards gala in Orlando.

The Pride in Business Awards recognizes businesses and individuals who promote diversity, equality, and inclusivity in the workplace in Central Florida, and is presented by the Metropolitan Business Association of Orlando (MBA Orlando) which is Central Florida's LGBT chamber of commerce.

"This award is about engagement, and Disney has a long history of being engaged and standing proudly with the LGBT community," said Mikael Frank Audebert, MBA Orlando president.

Michael Jungen, director of parks and resorts development at Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts, accepted the award on behalf of the Walt Disney World Resort and its cast members.

Jungen is the executive champion for the PRIDE Diversity Resource Group at the Walt Disney World Resort. The group serves gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and ally cast members.

"It's an honor to be recognized by MBA Orlando, our partner in supporting diversity and business equality in Central Florida," Jungen said. "For the LGBT Cast Members PRIDE represents, this award highlights the strength and inspiration that stem from our community partnerships."


Kristen K. wrote on Sat, 05/10/2014 - 14:07:

Kristen K.'s picture

Good to hear that they are still at the top!

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