Disney Movie Line-up


What's In The Disney Movies Pipeline Through 2019

It's time once again for the great Disney Movie News Round-up. Hey Disney Grown-ups! Welcome back as we do a quick round up of a ton of movie news in a rapid fire round. We will span the gamut from Marvel to Star Wars and every Disney property in between. So let's get this round-up started.

Spider-Man Rejoins The Marvel Heroes For A Monster 2017 Disney Movie Line-up

Hello Marvel-files, Disney-files and anyone who loves the comicbook universe. It is I, your resident superhero fan and general scifi nerd, bringing to you the hottest news from around the web. In this installment of the Bullpen, we report on the coming of Spiderman and his return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Let me say that again - Spiderman is finally returning to the MCU.