Today we hit our double digit countdown! 99 days and we will be in a royal room at POR
double digit dance time
Can you tell we are little excited?
Nope can't tell at all!
OK! MicRac now tell us how you REALLY feel
and like Kris said only 90 days till you can do the 'single digit dance'!
Geez, show some emotion and enthusiasm, 'k??
It's so funny for me. I could be going as soon as February, but I'm not sure yet. Almost certainly going in April though.
yay!!!! Hooray for double digits.
Happy dancing! The 85 days will fly by. We will be right behind you.
Wow! That's so great! I can't WAIT to hear about the Royal Room! I think you'll be the first from this Board to stay in one!
I have a feeling that staying at Port Orleans is going to be my next Disney goal. It is just so pretty!