ADR's for DTD and Epcot

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SquareAce's picture
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ADR's for DTD and Epcot

NYE 2011 to Jan 5, Myself, DW, DD, and DS, One day/one park passes.

Does anyone have suggestions for a table service meal at DTD Sun Jan 1 and Epcot Jan 4?
Also what time do restaurants at DTD close? We were thinking of going to DTD two nights to eat after HS (closes 7pm) and AK (closes 5pm).

I have started an agenda including the park, ADRs, and events for the days we're visiting. Here it is if anyone wants to see.

Any suggestions?

Our plans for Thursday are to revisit the park we liked the best, so no ADRs for that day.


dewingedpixie's picture
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Epcot has so many suggestions its not even funny. What kind of meal are you looking for?



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I can not help much with the DTD night. We really like Fultons but they do not take the DDP. There are a few places that do though I just do not know which ones do. I was suprised to see the Rain Forrest taking it. I do not believe they did before unless you had one of the super deluxe dinning plans.

EPCOT night you have a lot of good choices. We like the Rose & Crown or Teppan Edo. Also if you do not mind the walk, you could walk over to the BoardWalk/Beach Club area. There are two great ones there, The Flying Fish or the Yachtsman Steakhouse. Both of those require 2 meals on the dinning plan though.

Kristen K.'s picture
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The DTD Restaurants should be open at least until 10PM. My favorite for table service at DTD is Wolfgang Pucks, one of the best meals I've ever had was there. If you enjoy sushi theirs is very good too. If you need a counter service at DTD give Earl of Sandwich a try, they're fantastic!

Epcot has a zillion great choices, what sort of food do you like? The only negative thing that I have to say about any of the restaurants there is that the Moroccan food is pretty "dumbed down" and bland. I haven't been there yet but I have heard fantastic things.

SquareAce's picture
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You're right scrappy, Rainforest Cafe does not take DDP. I'm glad you pointed that out. I think we will leave that on our list though. Me and the kids have been wanting to go there ever since my DW brought me home a souvenir from a work trip to Tenn. Also since we're spending 2 table meals at the Royal table, we'll have to buy at least one night anyway. Capt. Jacks seems to be the only table meal at DTD that accepts DDP.

Mexican or Southwestern is our family's favorite cuisine.

So, maybe only one trip to DTD, and go somewhere else on Sun. Jan 1 after HS.

Can we eat at the restaurants at a different resort from where we're staying?


katrina1122's picture
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You can make adr's for any restauarant at any resort!

Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge is our only MUST every trip. So love it! Plus you can see the animals.


Wishin' I was at WDW!

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Yes, you can eat any place you want to. Some of the resorts you will need to make ADR too though. We always have breakfast at Rainforest Cafe at least once per trip. Maybe you should give San Angel a try for dinner while at Epcot. Our last time there we were not happy with it but that has been a long time ago now. We loved it our first time.

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Another family favorite tends to be Ohana's if you can get in. That is in the Poly. That is only 1 credit.

Vettelover's picture
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SquareAce wrote:
Can we eat at the restaurants at a different resort from where we're staying?

Yes you can eat at any restaurant you want, and AKL, WL have great restaurants and one of my favorite "hidden gems" is the Turf Club rest. in SSR. in fact all WDW resorts have good dining places but they all have their pros and cons, (mostly pros).


SquareAce's picture
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Great suggestions. I was also looking at the Coral Reef in Epcot.

I still have to decide what time to make the ADRs. So keep the suggestions coming. Maybe the time slots I'm looking for won't be booked up.

How long does it typically take to get seated when you have an ADR?


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We ate at T-Rex on our last trip...WE LOVED IT! Honestly the food was so good that we thought about going back a second time. I had this paelozoic (sp) chicken sandwich which is a chicken sandwich served like a wrap on fried pizza dough. My husband got the "guacasaurus" burger and it was delicious too.

It is similar to Rainforest Cafe and if your family like that T-Rex is a little different but a similar concept. They asked us if we were on the DDP so I assume they take it (we didn't use the DDP)

Fultons was really good too a "elegant" (as elegant as disney gets) it depends on what kind of meal you want.

and...don't underestimate the Earl of Sandwich. We actually decided to eat there on a night we planned for a sit-down dinner. It is crazy good. Plus it gave us more time to walk around, shop, and take in the atmosphere of DTD.

Lizzy_B's picture
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I have to cast my vote for Raglan Road at Downtown Disney. I believe they take at least the Deluxe DDP, though I'm not sure. It's fantastic food, and on the weekends, they have entertainment as well.

I'm with PandL though - don't overlook Earl of Sandwich. You will LOVE it. Everyone who goes ends up going back. It is universally well thought of, and very, very affordable.

Also, Kristen's suggestion of Puck is good. All the Puck options - Express, Downstairs, or Upstairs - are standouts. And the sushi is a favorite of ours.

I also hear terrific things about Whispering Canyon at Wilderness Lodge, a fun place for the family, and I've been to Artist Point, and can vouch for its fantasticness.

Good luck with your plans!


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DTD - we love Raglan Road & T-Rex - awesome "Bronto Burger"
Epcot - Rose & Crown Pub (Potato Leek Soup rocks!)

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I'd throw my vote in for Wolfgang's if it were just the adults, but with the kids, I'd consider T-Rex. It might be loud from what I hear, but if I were a kid I'd want to go. I think I might want to go as an adult too, even with the noise!

But I get suckered in by pretty lights and waffle fries, so take my recommendation with a grain of salt laugh

Kris1971's picture
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I'm a huge Wolfgang Puck's fan at DTD. We had such a great meal there last time, we put it on our ADR list to do it again this trip!


dewingedpixie's picture
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Kids will love T-Rex.

I like marrakesh in Morocco. Coral Reef we liked too. San Angel Inn. I could eat everywhere at epcot, its a food lover's dream.



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SquareAce's picture
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Wow. That's a lot to consider, thanks. I'll try and complete my agenda tonight, then repost my spreadsheet to see if y'all catch anymore mistakes.


JoAnn C's picture
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Chefs de France at Epcot is good. If you time it right, you may get to see Remy from Ratatouille.

Planet Hollywood does take the DDP at DTD.


Jess's picture
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Raglan Road is another restaurant at DTD that accepts the dining plan...We have never ate there though....The only restaurant we have ate at at DTD is Trex and it is an awesome experience with great food but they DO NOT take the dining plan.

As far as places in Epcot our family loves Teppan Edo....we have also ate at San Angel Inn and Coral reef at Epcot....I am a lover of mexican food but did not enjoy San Angel Inn....Coral Reef is good if you like seafood and has a great atmosphere. Also as other's have said Boma at Animal Kingdom Lodge is excellent


Kristen K.'s picture
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We used DDP at Puck's but that was in 2009, not sure about it next year.

SquareAce's picture
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I'm trying to book a reservation online for CRT and it wants me to pay for it now, but I have the DDP. I was already signed in when I started the process and actually was prompted to sign in again after the process began. The exact time we wanted is available. What do I do? I doesn't say anything about reimbursing me. My tickets and plan is paid in full.

Crisis over. I called WDW and took care of the ADRs over the phone. The operator was very helpful and was even able to tell me the times that Remy would appear at Les Chef Des France.


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When I need to make a change like that, I always call and speak to a real person. The number is 407-wdw-dine. Sad I know that number but yet do not know my own cell phone number!

SquareAce's picture
Joined: 09/21/2011
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Thanks scrappy, I did just that.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I chose Boma and Les Chef de France based on the forum's suggestions. I was not able to get an ADR for T-rex during the time slots I wanted, but the operator suggested Chef Mickey's and that looks good too. I was also surprised that the only reservation possible, all day NYE, for Crystal Palace was at 7:30pm.
Here's my final dinner agenda, I hope. Tried to post as jpeg this time.

diningagenda.jpg33.55 KB