And the Oscar goes to..

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Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886
And the Oscar goes to..

Toy Story it. (For Animated film)

But like there was any other choice really!

Is anyone else watching??

I love this tweet from Bill Maher "This just in..the Oscars have announced Kirk Douglas to host next year"


mickey Bella

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

We're watching! Go TS3!

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

Watched! Omigoodness...I was rooting for them, but...if Anne Hathaway had "whooped" one more time...

Yes - awesome wins for TS3 and Alice in Wonderland! I missed the songs Sad Bathtime, I think.


Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

How was the show overall? I read some headlines that suggested it wasn't well-executed. What did you guys think?

caitiesus's picture
Joined: 03/11/2009
Posts: 682

I LOVED it. I thought that ANne was fantastic. Franco was okay, but she was a great host. It was one of the better Oscars in the past few years

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

Like I said, I kept hoping it would get better, and it didn't imo. Haha. The joke about Franco and Hathaway appealing to a younger demographic that Anne cracked was clearly spot on. Laughing out loud Problem is, I didn't realize I was THAT far out of the younger demographic.
