Booked IT!

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Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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Booked IT!

Finally..whew! Combined with my Christmas Bonus and a good Room Only discount we have FINALLY booked our May trip. After having to cancel last year I was trying to make sure this bad boy was REALLY going to happen!
We are booked for the end of May at POP Century! I am so excited!! plan our days! Woot!


mickey Bella

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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Congratulations Bella, have fun planning! awesome


Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

Vettelover wrote:
Congratulations Bella, have fun planning! awesome

Oh you know I will!!

I am trying to decide if we should do a character meal or not (we aren't on the DP). I can't decide if Holden will be terrified or love it.


mickey Bella

Joined: 09/12/2010
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yay clapping yeah clapping yay

Oh, the fun with planning!! YAY! I have no idea about the character meal question - I'm over 40 (don't you dare ask how much) and they kinda scare me laugh laugh

JoAnn C's picture
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Bella's picture
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Jeff......oh my! We haven't done one in forever--the kid was terrified of that's what is making me lean towards not doing one but he LOVES Mickey Mouse. So who knows.


mickey Bella

JoAnn C's picture
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I'm over 40 and I love character meals. If you decide to do one, I would suggest skipping Chef Mickeys. Breakfast at the Tusker House was fun and so was dinner at the Crystal Palace.


Courtney's picture
Joined: 12/02/2011
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Bella I will let you know how my almost 2 year old does with the characters. Perhaps book a character meal towards the end of the trip so he can ge used to them. We are doing crystal palace twice and chef Mickey's. If I had known DS was coming with us when I booked everything I would have booked Hollywood and vine with Disney junior characters. He loves handy Manny and mickeys clubhouse.

We are also at pop so I will have lots of info/ advise for you.

Have fun planning

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Bella's picture
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We've done Chef Mickey's several times and I think we'd skip that one..Holden is a pretty low-key two year old (meaning if he got out of his chair he wouldn't run away he'd just stand there and look around) but I think all that might be too much for him...especially with the characters. You know what I mean..sensory overload!

I hadn't thought about Tusker House...we haven't done the breakfast there before! Hmm...


mickey Bella

JoAnn C's picture
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The Tusker House had the best scrambled eggs and Mickey waffles. and the jungle juice. I'm drooling just sitting here thinking about it.


Mase's picture
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This is awesome news! Best ive heard in a while! Congrats! Cant wait for trip report! 4 months! 27 days!!!!! clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping


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Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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Yay Bella!!! I'm so excited for you! Get planning girl!


emmaanne's picture
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yay!!!! so exciting!!!!


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Brandmaster's picture
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Congratulations clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping clapping


Viva La Quinta Brigada - y Disney!

MrHub's picture
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Congrats Bella! Holden can join in on the Congo line at Tusker House with Mickey & Minnie. It ids a great character meal place.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Whoo hoo! That's fantastic! How much fun you'll have!

I always hate it when I need to cancel trips, but the next one always seems the sweeter!

Joined: 07/02/2011
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AWESOME!!!! Sooo happy for you! What a great feeling to have it all set. What section of POP Century will you be staying in?

Joined: 11/16/2011
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Holden might be frightened at first but I bet he will warm up to the characters. Our last trip our daughter was two and at our first character meal she was standing far away from everyone while our son five was hugging and giving high fives but towards the end of our trip she warmed up and was hugging everybody. I really like meeting the characters while dining so that we don't have to stand in long lines to meet them in the park and have more time for rides.


Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

Yumm...jungle juice! I loved that mess at Boma!

I am so excited I really can't wait. By the time we go back it will have been FOUR years since we've been..and we used to go every 6 months. Talk about withdraw!


mickey Bella

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
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Congrats, Bella Girl! I can't WAIT to hear about every single detail!

Jake did just fine with the characters at his sister's birthday character bfast in November. He LOVED Tigger especially - but then he loves the little versions of him that we have around the house. Let us know what you decide. I'm sure the pics will be priceless.

On the other hand, he's so little, he won't know if you DON'T do it...and then you could spend the $$ somewhere else...


Jess's picture
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YaY i'm so happy for you....I would do what someone else suggested and book the meal towards the end of the week. See how he does with the characters during the week and if he doesn't do well you could always cancel the meal. Brooklin was 2 and a half when we went this past time and she loved the characters....wasn't scared of them at all. But when we went when she was one and a half she was scared of them. She would go up to them but I had to hold her.


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Character dinner at crystal palace was best for us. Great food and it seemed more roomy, not so smutched together. Maybe not so scary?

Will savor a dole whip for you in March if you'll do the same for me in May?


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J. R. R. Tolkien

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

Lizzy_B wrote:

On the other hand, he's so little, he won't know if you DON'T do it...and then you could spend the $$ somewhere else...

Truth girl!

And dole whip savoring will certainly be done. Oh my goodness I am going to have about 45.


mickey Bella