Hey, Scooter Pies!
Long story short ... I have a spine/nerve thing. It's either a "put needles in your spine" thing, or just deal with it. I choose (for now, anyway) to deal with it. I'm good to tough it out for quite a while if I'm well-rested, but in the later part of the day, it's either use an ECV or ask someone to drag me around by a limb. I've rented from an Orlando company who delivered to my WDW resort, and I was pleased with them. It was $30 per day for a rather nice, SMALL, very comfortable scooter; no extra charges.
So. Here's the rub.
Scenario 1 - I have this stupid scooter all day long and I have to take it on the resort busses (which I hate), and get ugly comments all day long, when really, I don't need it until late afternoon/eve anyway.
Scenario 2 - I pick up the scooter from our resort after a mid-day rest, but I still have to take it on the bus (which I hate), but at least it's just the late afternoon/eve.
Alternative & Questions - I pick up a WDW rental scooter in the afternoon. Last I remember noticing, they looked pretty clunky and big. Those things I remember looked like they could take down an elephant. Any experience with them? Could I likely rent one midday, or would they be sold out? I love the idea of leaving it in the park. I can tough it out to the bus stop when we're leaving.
******And now, my Scooter Disclaimer, for those less-than-fond of the ECVs *******
- I am polite.
- I have never run over someone's foot or hit an ankle.
- If I didn't need it, I wouldn't want it.
- When I'm walking most of the day, I hate the rude ones too.
- I park it in a stroller area and walk (or "hobble"
) through EVERY queue.
- I stay away from crowds and tight walkways.
First Visit ... 1977!