Yeh..What is the big deal.?..That's the question I got from an old friend on a E-Mail today..So as I sat down and began to respond to his queries, what makes a WDW vacation, I looked at my Disney photo album, which only started in 2004 ( yep,that was my first visit at the ripe young age of almost 52 ) My only offspring, my DS was just 6 years old then, and a proper poser when coming to get his photo taken, ( now for some reason,he's a lot shyer ) Anyway to sum it up I found it wasn't as easy as I thought..When I mentioned we don't leave Disney World, we spend all our time inside this magic bubble, he was bemused to say the least..Yes were off to Florida..Yes were staying in Orlando..But no, we are not stepping outside our comfort zone..That's when the Dime dropped...Utopia!. ..This 47 square mile of Fun, Fantasy, and Escapism, where it brings us so close together as a family, where every day is different. The clock indeed never strikes midnight,little brothers do indeed get on with their little sisters,and for the princesses,the glass slipper does indeed always fit..I swear at night before putting my head on that pillow that I can smell pixie dust..Now he is in big discussions with his other half and thinking maybe I'am missing out on something here..So when he replied back to me about information on where to stay ( He has one boy 5 and one girl 7 ) I told him to come and visit me and we will have a Disney night of discussions...His last question was from his wife.." You'll have to tell us what you pack in your suitcase." ..My Answer..." Your Imagination "..So over to you good folk...How would you sum up a WDW vacation...What makes it so special to you..?